Early registration for the 2020 Master in Urban and Housing Studies in Latin America

Opening of the early registration for the 2020 course of the Maestría en Estudios Urbanos y de la Vivienda en América Latina (MEUVAL) [Master in Urban and Housing Studies in Latin America], Faculty of Architecture, Drawing and Urbanism (FADU), from 28th October to 29th November 2019.

The MEUVAL is the first Master in Urban and Housing Studies at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and in Argentina. It is aimed at building complex and multidisciplinary thinking about the city and housing, from a Latin American perspective. Our Curriculum is based on four areas of knowledge: Public Policies / Culture and Society / Urban Economy and Urban and Housing History.
The teaching body is composed by: Juan Carlos Torre, Anahí Ballent, Jorge Francisco Liernur, Leandro Losada, Darío Judzik, Dr. Daniela Lucena, Victoria Nuviala, José Zanca Pablo Elimbaum, Darío Judzik, Violeta Nuviala, Elisa Pastoriza, Valeria Snitckofsky, Eva Camelli, Claudia Stern, Mónica Bartolucci, Valeria Gruschetsky, among other guest professors from Argentina and other countries.

Registration reopens in February, although without the benefit of the tariff reduction of Early Registration.

For more information on the Master, see website.

For information on Early Registration and fees visit this link , where the contact details of the FADU-UBA Postgraduate Secretariat are located.