Exhibition and book launch: Glossário de Arquitectura Portuguesa de Autor Fernando Távora

Ordem dos Arquitectos, Lisbon, 13 February 2025   This week, on Thursday, 13 February, at 18H00 will take place the opening of the exhibition and book launch of Glossário de Arquitectura Portuguesa de Autor Fernando Távora at the national headquarters’ building of Ordem dos Arquitetos in Lisbon. The initiative aims to promote the work of Portuguese architects within academic and urban settings through the reading and interpretation of their texts. The project also seeks to engage authors, students, and future architects, fostering a national meeting. The goal is to create a collection of Architecture Glossaries of Architects [Glossário de Arquitectura de…

Call for Abstracts: International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU25) – Future Living

Deadline: 23 February 2025 The 17th edition of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU25) will be held in Lisbon from 1-4 July 2025. Organized by the Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, it will take place at the Portugal Pavilion designed by Álvaro Siza. IFoU25 is centered on the theme “Future Living.” This conference aims to explore and address the evolving needs of urban and rural environments through a comprehensive examination of key action areas. The conference will cover several critical actions within the theme of “Future Living.” It will delve into Dwelling by examining emergent solutions for affordable housing…

Book launch – Argumentos 2: em convergência

Porto, Fundação Marques da Silva, 12 February 2025 Docomomo Portugal is pleased to share that on next Wednesday, 12 February at 18H30 is being organized by Fundação Marques da Silva, in partnership with U.Porto Press, the book launch of Argumentos 2: em convergência written by Alexandre Alves Costa. With Argumentos 2: em convergência, Alexandre Alves Costa completes the diptych where he set out to explore nearly five decades of his written production on various topics, always from the perspective of a man whose sole aim was to be an architect. In this second volume, he gathers more recent and some…

Talks Cycle: along the exhibition Paisagens Construídas

Fundação Marques da Silva, Porto, 5 February – 29 March 2025 In parallel to the exhibition “Paisagens Construídas” [Built Landscapes], showcasing sixteen works of Portuguese architecture, published in the book with the same name by Valdemar Cruz and photographed by Inês d’Orey, Fundação Marques da Silva, FIMS,  is organizing a series of talks with the participation of architects involved in some of the works featured in the book, selected by a broad panel of experts. Moderated by Valdemar Cruz, the talks, all taking place at the Fundação Marques da Silva building where the exhibition is on display, will follow this…

Closing session: Arquitectas da nossa Casa

Coimbra, Casa das Caldeiras, 1 February 2025 Docomomo Portugal is thrilled to share that next Saturday, 1 February, Secção Regional do Centro da Ordem dos Arquitectos (OASRC) organizes the closing session of the exhibition “Arquitectas da nossa Casa” in Coimbra, at Casa das Caldeiras, 14h00 – 20h00. Showcasing contemporary architectural work by female architects “Arquitectas da nossa Casa” aimed to provide a space for reflection and debate, as well as recognition and celebration of the diverse contributions of these professionals. The exhibition, on display at Casa das Caldeiras until 1 February, brings together the work of sixty-nine female architects registered…

Exhibition: Álvaro Siza: Designing Everyday Life

Porto, Museu de Serralves, 14 December 2024 – 27 April 2025 The exhibition Álvaro Siza: Designing Everyday Life [Álvaro Siza: Desenhar o quotidiano] patent at Museu de Serralves was opened to public on 18 December 2024 and an be visited until 27 April 2025. “In continuity with the exhibition C.A.S.A. – Collection, Álvaro Siza Archive, which explored the Sizian macrocosm of the last ninety years, this display seeks to complement the understanding of that extensive body of work through the microcosm of his design objects. Conceived in absolute symbiosis with the architectural space – similarly to the furniture showcased in…

Call for Sessions and Roundtables: EAHN Biannual Conference Aarhus 2026

Docomomo Portugal is please to share that the Call for Sessions and Roundtables for the EAHN Biannual Conference Aarhus 2026 is open until Friday, 17 January 2025, 23H59 CET. “The call is open to research that delves into unexplored or under-explored periods, geographies, buildings, architects, and texts. Conversely, we also seek to reexamine established architectural themes from unconventional perspectives, highlighting voices and contributors that have historically been marginalized. By inviting these diverse perspectives, the meeting aims to enrich the discourse of architectural history and push the boundaries of the field. We seek thematic proposals in two basic formats: approximately 25…

Highlights from the 18th International Docomomo Conference

Last December 10-14, took place the 18th International Docomomo Conference in Santiago, Chile, under the theme “Modern Futures – Sustainable development and cultural diversity”, organized by Docomomo International and Docomomo Chile. Highlight for Docomomo Portugal was its official approval as Docomomo working party at the Council Meeting on 12 December. Portugal took part at the conference with several presentations by its members as well as chairing of sessions, namely: Session: – “Capturing time inside architecture” – Ana Tostões (Docomomo Portugal chair) and Marta Peixoto (Docomomo Brazil) – “Adaptive modern housing:shifting notions of comfort and the transformation of domestic space for…

Exhibition: Paisagens Construídas

Fundação Marques da Silva, Porto, 11 January – 29 March 2025 Docomomo Portugal is pleased to share that at Fundação Marques da Silva, FIMS, will be patent the exhibition “Paisagens Construídas” [Built Landscapes] from 11 January to 29 March 2025. The exhibition “Paisagens Construídas” opens on Saturday, 11 January, at 16H00, showcasing sixteen works of Portuguese architecture, published in the book with the same name by Valdemar Cruz and photographed by Inês d’Orey. The works, selected from the choices of over fifty figures from the fields of architecture, visual arts, engineering, and photography, illustrate the various paths, with broad recognition…

Conference and exhibition: Arquitectas da nossa Casa

Coimbra, 26th October 2024 Within the aim of the celebration of National Day of the Architect, which was celebrated on 3rd July, the Centro Regional Section of the Portuguese Order of Architects will hold the conference “Arquitectas da nossa casa” on 26 October 2024 to highlight the portuguese women architects. The aim of this event is to give visibility to the current practice of women architects, providing a space for reflection and debate, as well as recognition and celebration of their diverse career paths. The conference will be composed of several roundtables, and at the end have the opening of…