Conservation/Sustainable Design Workshop – EAAE SDGs Series

Organized by the Faculty of Architecture of University of Porto and the EAAE ‘Conservation Network’ the virtual Workshop “Conservation/Sustainable Design” will take place today at 14H30 CET online via zoom. The workshop is integrated in the EAAE SDGs Series, in partnership with the New European Bauhaus


14.30. Greetings & Introduction
João Pedro Xavier (Dean FAUP – University of Porto), Oya Atalay Franck (President EAAE), Ilaria Valente (Vice President EAAE),
Stefano Musso (Co-coordinator EAAE Conservation Network)

15.00. Jyoti Hosagrahar (World Heritage Centre – UNESCO)
Sustainable Development Goals and Challenges for World Heritage Cities

15.15. Grainne Shaffrey (Board ICOMOS International)
Heritage as a driver for Sustainable Development   

15.30.  Ana Tostões (President DOCOMOMO International)
Modern Heritage Reuse and Sustainability

15.45. Michael Turner (UNESCO Chair Urban Design and Conservation Studies)
Urban Conservation and Sustainable Development

16.00. Mia Roth-Čerina, Sally Stewart (EAAE Education Academy and Research Academy)

16.20. Nuno Valentim, Vasco Peixoto de Freitas (University of Porto)
Heritage and Adaptive Design

16.40. Teresa Cunha Ferreira (FAUP – University of Porto)
Presentation of the 2022 Conservation Network Workshop “Conservation/ Sustainable Design”

16.50. Debate

17.20. Wrap up & closing remarks
Loughlin Kealy, Stefano Musso (Co-coordinators EAAE Conservation Network)

Participate here:

For more information, please go to the event website