TODAY, 29th November 2021,14H30 CET, online
Organized by the Faculty of Architecture of University of Porto and the EAAE ‘Conservation Network’ the virtual Workshop “Conservation/Sustainable Design” will take place today at 14H30 CET online via zoom. The workshop is integrated in the EAAE SDGs Series, in partnership with the New European Bauhaus Program: 14.30. Greetings & Introduction João Pedro Xavier (Dean FAUP – University of Porto), Oya Atalay Franck (President EAAE), Ilaria Valente (Vice President EAAE), Stefano Musso (Co-coordinator EAAE Conservation Network) 15.00. Jyoti Hosagrahar (World Heritage Centre – UNESCO) Sustainable Development Goals and Challenges for World Heritage Cities 15.15. Grainne Shaffrey (Board ICOMOS International) Heritage…