Conservation/Sustainable Design Workshop – EAAE SDGs Series

Organized by the Faculty of Architecture of University of Porto and the EAAE ‘Conservation Network’ the virtual Workshop “Conservation/Sustainable Design” will take place today at 14H30 CET online via zoom. The workshop is integrated in the EAAE SDGs Series, in partnership with the New European Bauhaus Program: 14.30. Greetings & Introduction João Pedro Xavier (Dean FAUP – University of Porto), Oya Atalay Franck (President EAAE), Ilaria Valente (Vice President EAAE), Stefano Musso (Co-coordinator EAAE Conservation Network) 15.00. Jyoti Hosagrahar (World Heritage Centre – UNESCO) Sustainable Development Goals and Challenges for World Heritage Cities 15.15. Grainne Shaffrey (Board ICOMOS International) Heritage…

InnovaConcrete School

An online training course in the framework of the H2020 project InnovaConcrete (GA 760858) entitled “InnovaConcrete School”, will be held online on 8th – 10th November 2021, “The InnovaConcrete School has the aim of contributing to the professional development of high-degree students, young researchers and restorers, giving information about the novelties in the field of nanomaterials for cultural heritage conservation and preservation of 20th Century cultural heritage made of concrete. The school will offer keynote lectures and presentation from high level professionals and researchers; moreover, it will be possible to participate to an interactive exhibition space to deepen the InnovaConcrete…

InnovaConcrete Final Workshop – Conservation of the 20th Century Concrete-based Cultural Heritage: Innovative materials, procedures and awareness

Between 2nd and 4th December 2021 will happen InnovaConcrete project’s Final Workshop in Cádiz, (Spain), in an in-person and virtual option. The aims of this final workshops are: To disseminate the targets, challenges and final results of InnovaConcrete project. To disseminate the knowledge of concrete heritage conservation of the 20th century with special emphasis in the Modern Architecture. To promote citizen awareness around concrete heritage. The languages of the event are English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation available. “INNOVACONCRETE is an innovative and ambitious project that aims at preserving concrete-based monuments, the most significant tangible Cultural Heritage in the 20th…

Advanced Studies Course in Architectural Heritage

Docomomo International is pleased to share the Advanced Studies Course in Architectural Heritage of the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. The advanced studies course in Architectural Heritage seeks, in general, to provide the student with: a) A capacity of systematic understanding in the scientific and technological fields relevant to architectural heritage safeguard; b) Competences, skills and research methods related with the architectural heritage domain; c) A capacity to communicate their conclusions, through the corresponding knowledge and reasoning, to both specialists and non-specialists in the architectural heritage field. The specific aims of the advanced studies course in Architectural Heritage…

Professional Development ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage

Docomomo International would like to draw your attention to the comprehensive suite of professional development short courses introduced by the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne. Designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage, these online microcredential offerings draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within ACAHUCH and from leading organisations in urban and cultural heritage. Upcoming MicroCerts include: New Approaches to Heritage Significance (June 2021) Learn cutting-edge techniques for assessing the cultural significance of heritage places. This course is designed for experienced and…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo – oDOMOs, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021. Summary: Online Docomomo international School, namely oDOMOs are newly set up this summer to open a 10-day-workshop to provide an unique online/interactive learning opportunity for architectural students worldwide. The workshop focuses on Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace, iconic urban architecture designed by Fumihiko Maki in the heart of Tokyo. You will learn Maki’s philosophy how it was developed through local and historical contexts of the area, and the…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021. Summary In 2021, the DOCOMOMO Online School will be focusing on in-depth research on urban modern heritage and its relation to Japanese culture. People have lived and will continue to live in modern neighbourhoods and sites that represent 20th century urban heritage. Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace in Tokyo, is such an example of a modern architecture and urban masterpiece, designed between 1969 and 1992 by Pritzker…

Online course “Patrimónios Contestados” [“Contested Heritage”]

Docomomo International would like to invite you to participate in the online course “Patrimónios Contestados” [“Contested Heritage”], with 8 sessions between April 28 and July 14, 2021. The reflection is organized by the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in Portuguese Influential Heritage, of the University of Coimbra, in partnership with the Público newspaper. Political decolonization does not always mean cultural decolonization and there is still a great lack of information about historical and cultural heritage. How to act to preserve the heritage built by the Portuguese in Africa, Goa (India), or elsewhere in the world? What is the reality of…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021.Summary In 2021, the DOCOMOMO Online School will be focusing on in-depth research on urban modern heritage and its relation to Japanese culture. People have lived and will continue to live in modern neighbourhoods and sites that represent 20th century urban heritage. Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace in Tokyo, is such an example of a modern architecture and urban masterpiece, designed between 1969 and 1992 by Pritzker…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021. Summary  In 2021, the DOCOMOMO Online School will be focusing on in-depth research on urban modern heritage and its relation to Japanese culture. People have lived and will continue to live in modern neighbourhoods and sites that represent 20th century urban heritage. Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace in Tokyo, is such an example of a modern architecture and urban masterpiece, designed between 1969 and 1992 by Pritzker…