Between 2nd and 4th December 2021 will happen InnovaConcrete project’s Final Workshop in Cádiz, (Spain), in an in-person and virtual option.
The aims of this final workshops are:
- To disseminate the targets, challenges and final results of InnovaConcrete project.
- To disseminate the knowledge of concrete heritage conservation of the 20th century with special emphasis in the Modern Architecture.
- To promote citizen awareness around concrete heritage.
The languages of the event are English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation available.
“INNOVACONCRETE is an innovative and ambitious project that aims at preserving concrete-based monuments, the most significant tangible Cultural Heritage in the 20th Century. To achieve this goal, it has recruited an interdisciplinary team presenting a strong scientific background in simulation techniques and nanomaterials synthesis, combined with a wide knowledge of Cultural Heritage conservation from Humanities disciplines and, a sound industrial perspective. Specifically, a completely innovative approach based on producing C-S-H gel, responsible for the engineering properties of cement paste in cracks of decayed concrete monument, in situ, will be developed. Complementary, these innovative solutions can be functionalised with superhydrophobicity and corrosion inhibition properties. In addition, InnovaConcrete will explore other approaches: enzyme assisted self-healing of damaged surfaces, inorganic nanotubes and atmospheric plasma device for product application. The optimization of the solutions proposed will be carried out using theoretical tools (multi-scale modelling approaches) together with experimental tools (laboratory and in situ validation).
Therefore, seven concrete-based monuments, a clear representation of European Cultural Heritage, have been chosen as case studies to validate the performance of the proposed solutions. They have been selected according to scientific and humanistic criteria and because they will be used to study economic and societal effects of the proposals and to promote citizens’ awareness of 20th Century European heritage.”
Among the 29 partners composing the consortium, also Docomomo Iberia and ICOMOS are partners.
More information and registrations on the InnovaConcrete website.