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September 2020
16th International Docomomo Conference
Tokyo, 110-8716 Japan
The candidacy from Docomomo Japan to organize the 16th International Docomomo Conference, in Tokyo, was approved in the 15th Docomomo Council Meeting, last August 30, 2018, at Cankarjev Dom. The 16th International Docomomo Conference will take place in Tokyo between the 10th and the 14th September 2020, under the theme "Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities". Theme: Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities Today, not only in Europe, but in Japan, South America, Africa and throughout the world, the architectural cultural heritage that we call the “Modern Movement” (MoMo) has been exposed to the major force of conscious/unconscious destructions. We can…
Find out more »December 2019
IST PhD Program in Architecture: PhD Week Comfort and Technique 2019
On December 13th 2019, the IST PhD Week Comfort and Technique 2019 will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon, with the presentations "Angelo Mangiarotti: la tectonique de l’assemblage" by Professor Franz Graf (EPFL-École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), chair of Docomomo Switzerland, and "Interior Comfort in 20th Century Architecture: a Material History" by Professor Giulia Marino (UCLouvain – LOCI). 13 December 14h30 – 16h30 Room 4.41 Professor Franz Graf (EPFL-École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Angelo Mangiarotti: la tectonique de l’assemblage Professor Giulia Marino (UCLouvain – LOCI) Interior Comfort in 20th Century Architecture: a Material History We look…
Find out more »September 2019
IST PhD Program in Architecture: PhD Week Fall 2019
Lisboa, 1049-001 Portugal
On 20th September 2019, the first day of the IST PhD Week Fall 2019 will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon, with the presentation "On critical reception: Latin American Architecture since 1945" by Professor Horacio Torrent (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago), chair of Docomomo Chile. On 4th October 2019, the IST PhD Week Fall 2019 will continue with presentations from PhD researchers and the lecture "The Organic Housing" by Professor Bruno Marchand (EPFL-École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). 20 September 12h00 – 13h00 Room 4.41 Prof. Horacio Torrent (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago) On critical…
Find out more »May 2019
Lisbon Workshop
Lisboa, 1049-001 Portugal
Docomomo International organized, together with Instituto Superior Tecnico - University of Lisbon's DECivil Scientific Area of Architecture, CITUA and the Municipality of Lisbon, the first edition of the Lisbon Workshop, which was split into two sessions - the 16th May and the 30th May 2019 - and took place at IST - University of Lisbon (Campus Alameda). The first session had the participation of the architect Maruša Zorec, teaching at the Ljubljana University - Faculty of Architecture. During the morning, the architect participated in a class of Design Project critical review of 3rd year students of the Integrated Masters of IST - University…
Find out more »January 2019
IST PhD Program in Architecture: PhD Week Winter 2019
On 11th January 2019, the IST PhD Week Winter 2019 will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon, with the presentation "The reconstruction of the Construção Brasileira: Philip L. Goodwin and Brazil Builds phenomena" by Marianna Cardoso (ENSAS, Strasbourg). Program: 11h00 – 13h00 Marianna Cardoso The reconstruction of the Construção Brasileira: Philip L. Goodwin and Brazil Builds phenomena (PhD Student École Nationale Supérieur d’Architecture de Strasbourg, Strasbourg) Marianna Cardoso is an architect and Professor at the Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Strasbourg, School Humanities and Social Sciences supervised by Professor Anne-Marie…
Find out more »December 2018
IST PhD Program in Architecture: PhD Week Autumn 2018
Lisboa, 1049-001 Portugal
On 17th December 2018 the IST PhD Week Autumn 2018 will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon, Portugal, with the opening communication of Prof. Ruth Verde Zein (Mackenzie, São Paulo), "Breuer Back & Forth: some chosen scenarios". Program: 10h00-11h00 Prof. Ruth Verde Zein Breuer Back & Forth: some chosen scenarios 11h00 – 13h00 PhD Students Presentations 15h00 – 16h00 Prof. Ruth Verde Zein Artigas 4x1961 Ruth Verde Zein Architect, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, FAU-USP, University de São Paulo, Brazil, 1977. Doctorate (2005) in Theory, History and Critique, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, PROPAR-UFRGS…
Find out more »August 2018
15th International Docomomo Conference 2018
Ljubljana, Slovenia
THEME Metamorphosis. The Continuity of Change VENUE: Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia ORGANIZED by: docomomo International and docomomo Slovenia LANGUAGE: English SCHEDULE Call for Papers . 2 June - 1 September 2017 - Call for Papers . 8 November 2017 - Notification of Acceptance . 30 January 2018 - Full paper submission deadline (1st version). . 28 February 2018 - Deadline for session chairs to return papers with comments to authors, with suggested revisions. . 30 March 2018 - Full paper submission deadline (final version). . 20-28 August 2018 - Workshop . 28-31 August 2018 - Conference . 26-27 August; 1-3…
Find out more »Docomomo Meetings: Advisory Board, ISC/Education and Training, ISC/Interior Design, ISC/Registers, ISC/Technology and ISC/Urbanism & Landscape
Ljubljana, Slovenia
On the 28th August 2018, several Docomomo meetings took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the Cankarjev Dom: . Advisory Board Meeting . ISC/Education & Training . ISC/Interior design . ISC/Registers . ISC/Technology . ISC/Urbanism & Landscape
Find out more »International Docomomo Workshop 2018: Education to Everybody / Structures in Ljubljana
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenia
Within the 15th International Docomomo Conference, the International Docomomo Workshop - “Education to Everybody / Structures in Ljubljana” will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 24 to 28 August 2018. Students can apply to participate until 24 April! Instructions and information about the workshop are available at http://docomomo2018.si/index.php/student-workshop
Find out more »November 2017
Conference: “Siza & Pallasmaa. Dialogues North-South”
Lisbon, 1067-001 Portugal
In the framework of the commemorations of the centenary of Finland, the Embassy of Finland in Lisbon and Docomomo International, with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, held a special conference-dialogue between Álvaro Siza and Juhani Pallasmaa, with the moderation of Ana Tostões. The session was focused on the architectural exchanges established between North and South, in the second half of 20th century, with a focus on the finish architect Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) legacy. The conference “Siza & Pallasmaa. Dialogues North-South” took place in the Auditório 2 of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 29th November. Watch the full conference at…
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