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March 2026
19th International Docomomo Conference
Los Angeles, CA 90007 United States
The 19th International Docomomo Conference and Student Workshop will be held in Los Angeles, California, USA, organized by Docomomo US and the US/SoCal Chapter. The Conference will take place in March 2026 (17-21 March) under the proposed theme "Multiple Moderns: Climate, Community, Creativity". Theme: Multiple Moderns: Climate, Community, Creativity Using Los Angeles as inspiration for its theme, the 19th International Docomomo Conference will explore the pluralistic nature of the global Modern Movement of the 20th century, examining how climate, community, and creativity shaped and continues to shape the built environment. In 2004, Docomomo US hosted the 8th International Docomomo Conference in New York…
Find out more »May 2019
Lisbon Workshop
Lisboa, 1049-001 Portugal
Docomomo International organized, together with Instituto Superior Tecnico - University of Lisbon's DECivil Scientific Area of Architecture, CITUA and the Municipality of Lisbon, the first edition of the Lisbon Workshop, which was split into two sessions - the 16th May and the 30th May 2019 - and took place at IST - University of Lisbon (Campus Alameda). The first session had the participation of the architect Maruša Zorec, teaching at the Ljubljana University - Faculty of Architecture. During the morning, the architect participated in a class of Design Project critical review of 3rd year students of the Integrated Masters of IST - University…
Find out more »August 2018
International Docomomo Workshop 2018: Education to Everybody / Structures in Ljubljana
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenia
Within the 15th International Docomomo Conference, the International Docomomo Workshop - “Education to Everybody / Structures in Ljubljana” will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 24 to 28 August 2018. Students can apply to participate until 24 April! Instructions and information about the workshop are available at http://docomomo2018.si/index.php/student-workshop
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