On March 20, 2021, the official Japanese Olympic/Paralympic Committee made a decision to bar spectators from abroad. This means some kind of barring of overseas travelers will be expected to extend this Summer and Fall.
Therefore, the 16th International Docomomo Conference 2020+1 Tokyo organizing committee decided to hold the conference completely virtually, instead of a hybrid of real and online announced earlier. So, Docomomo Japan together with Docomomo International are excited to invite you all to the 16th, but the very first, Docomomo International VIRTUAL Conference from August 29, to September 2, 2021.
Now further details are available at the conference website – namely the guidelines for the virtual conference.
Since 1990, every 2 years, docomomo has been constantly holding the international conferences. Last year in 2020, for the first time in our docomomo history, we had to postpone the conference scheduled in Tokyo and hoped to see the worldwide pandemic is to be contained. With the time we actually gained, we were able to enhance and expand the contents of the conference theme and we can now have a much more exciting conference this year in 2021. Session themes are increased from 12 to 16. One change we had to make, however, is to hold this conference completely virtually.
After a year of numerous remote working and online meetings, we all become somewhat familiar with digital system that we knew nothing about before. Even so, it is quite challenging for our organizing committee to shift the conference completely virtually. Thanks to many encouragements and tireless supports given from docomomo international staff, the scientific committee and many fellow members from worldwide, we came to the conclusion that an old dog can learn a new trick! Now we are very pleased to tell you that almost all the contents we planned for the real conference can be shifted to virtual.
We will have 2 keynote speeches at the opening and one at the closing. And all sessions with presentations and discussions will be held in the 3 days in between. We are still in process of organizing detailed schedule, but we realized we need to announce the following online guidelines now for all the participants.
Here are the more details of the virtual conference:
Virtual Conference Guideline (General Information)
About your video presentation
About the proceedings
More details on the conference website: docomomo2020.com