Get ready! 10 days left to the 16th International Docomomo Conference 2020+1

16th International Docomomo Conference, Tokyo Japan 2020+1 Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities Docomomo’s first virtual international conference is just around the corner! This year the biennial International Docomomo Conference is held in Tokyo, where the 2021 Olympic and Paralympic Games are taken place, under the theme of “Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities,” Approximately 300 researchers and experts from 55 countries and regions around the world will make presentations on the world’s modern and contemporary architecture and history, as well as environmental conservation, restoration, and renovation, while engaging in a variety of discussions in online sessions (via Zoom). Keynote speeches will…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo – oDOMOs, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021. Summary: Online Docomomo international School, namely oDOMOs are newly set up this summer to open a 10-day-workshop to provide an unique online/interactive learning opportunity for architectural students worldwide. The workshop focuses on Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace, iconic urban architecture designed by Fumihiko Maki in the heart of Tokyo. You will learn Maki’s philosophy how it was developed through local and historical contexts of the area, and the…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021. Summary In 2021, the DOCOMOMO Online School will be focusing on in-depth research on urban modern heritage and its relation to Japanese culture. People have lived and will continue to live in modern neighbourhoods and sites that represent 20th century urban heritage. Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace in Tokyo, is such an example of a modern architecture and urban masterpiece, designed between 1969 and 1992 by Pritzker…

16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1

On March 20, 2021, the official Japanese Olympic/Paralympic Committee made a decision to bar spectators from abroad. This means some kind of barring of overseas travelers will be expected to extend this Summer and Fall. Therefore, the 16th International Docomomo Conference 2020+1 Tokyo organizing committee decided to hold the conference completely virtually, instead of a hybrid of real and online announced earlier. So, Docomomo Japan together with Docomomo International are excited to invite you all to the 16th, but the very first, Docomomo International VIRTUAL Conference from August 29, to September 2, 2021. Now further details are available at the conference website…

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021.Summary In 2021, the DOCOMOMO Online School will be focusing on in-depth research on urban modern heritage and its relation to Japanese culture. People have lived and will continue to live in modern neighbourhoods and sites that represent 20th century urban heritage. Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace in Tokyo, is such an example of a modern architecture and urban masterpiece, designed between 1969 and 1992 by Pritzker…

Modernism Is Frozen – Urbanism and Architecture under/after Covid-19

LEARNING FROM MODERN MOVEMENT INTERIORS IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC Specialist Committee on Interior Design of Docomomo International On 27th March 2021 happened the fourth public panel discussion “LEARNING FROM MODERN MOVEMENT INTERIORS IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC” of the series Urbanism and Architecture Under/After COVID-19, subtitled “Is Modernism Frozen?”. Previously occurred the discussions “HOW DO YOU MAP MODERNISM UNDER/AFTER COVID-19”, “TRAFFIC SEEKS ANOTHER WAY” and “HOUSING FOR ISOLATING”. Panelists: Deniz Hasirci (Izmir University of Economics, Docomomo-interior-Turkey) – “Interior Hygiene: Body and Space in the Modernist Turkish Context” Milena Kordic (University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture, Serbia) – “Body and distance: learning…

16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1

On March 20, 2021, the official Japanese Olympic/Paralympic Committee made a decision to bar spectators from abroad. This means some kind of barring of overseas travelers will be expected to extend this Summer and Fall. Therefore, the 16th International Docomomo Conference 2020+1 Tokyo organizing committee decided to hold the conference completely virtually, instead of a hybrid of real and online announced earlier. Please wait for further announcements of more details on how we conduct the meeting and all related matters around April 15th, 2021 on the conference website:

Online Docomomo School Tokyo Japan 2020+1

In the context of the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, Docomomo International invites bachelor and master students to participate on the Online Docomomo School 2020+1 Tokyo, happening from 26th July to 4th August 2021. Summary  In 2021, the DOCOMOMO Online School will be focusing on in-depth research on urban modern heritage and its relation to Japanese culture. People have lived and will continue to live in modern neighbourhoods and sites that represent 20th century urban heritage. Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace in Tokyo, is such an example of a modern architecture and urban masterpiece, designed between 1969 and 1992 by Pritzker…

Register at 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1!

Docomomo International and  Japan conference board informs that the registration for the 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, 29th August – 2nd September 2021, is open at! IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The 2020+1 conference will be held with hybrid format, through a mixed system between online and PRESENTIAL lectures.Authors can present their papers with pre-recorded video presentations. At the real-time conference, the video recording will be broadcasted at the scheduled place and time. The authors for presenting physically in Tokyo are welcome. The digital proceedings will be published in 2021 before the conference including both online and alive presentations. Registration is…

10th mASEANa International Conference

Docomomo International is pleased to announce that next weekend, 27-28 February 2021, will happen the 10th mASEANa International Conference, online via Zoom Webinar. Started in 2015, the mASEANa (modern ASEAN architecture) Project is designed to operate for six years until 2020. Within the defined period local and foreign architects, researches, politicians and citizens are called to think together and take action on modern architecture in Southeast Asia. “For 2021, as the duration of the project has coincided with the pandemic, the situation has served as a catalyst for rethinking our spatial relationships. Beyond the aesthetics and politics of modernity, the medicalization of…