© José Hevia/Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico
XI Iberian Docomomo Congress – Architecture and Environment: the Mediterranean
The Docomomo Ibérico Foundation announces the XI Iberian Docomomo Congress that will take place in Murcia from May 6th to 8th, 2020.
This congress, organized jointly by the Docomomo Iberian Foundation and the Official College of Architects of the Region of Murcia, with the collaboration of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Asemas , Arquia and the Ordem dos Arquitectos de Portugal, is convened under the motto “Architecture and Environment: the Mediterranean”.
- Projects and architectural works linked by context and form with the Mediterranean.
- Projects and architectural works linked by characteristics with the Mediterranean, but outside of its scope.
- Modern reinterpretation of vernacular space and/or building systems.
To know more, please visit: website