An online training course in the framework of the H2020 project InnovaConcrete (GA 760858) entitled “InnovaConcrete School”, will be held online on 8th – 10th November 2021, “The InnovaConcrete School has the aim of contributing to the professional development of high-degree students, young researchers and restorers, giving information about the novelties in the field of nanomaterials for cultural heritage conservation and preservation of 20th Century cultural heritage made of concrete. The school will offer keynote lectures and presentation from high level professionals and researchers; moreover, it will be possible to participate to an interactive exhibition space to deepen the InnovaConcrete…
Between 2nd and 4th December 2021 will happen InnovaConcrete project’s Final Workshop in Cádiz, (Spain), in an in-person and virtual option. The aims of this final workshops are: To disseminate the targets, challenges and final results of InnovaConcrete project. To disseminate the knowledge of concrete heritage conservation of the 20th century with special emphasis in the Modern Architecture. To promote citizen awareness around concrete heritage. The languages of the event are English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation available. “INNOVACONCRETE is an innovative and ambitious project that aims at preserving concrete-based monuments, the most significant tangible Cultural Heritage in the 20th…
On June 3, 2021, the debate session organized by the Docomomo Ibérico Foundation will take place together with the Bienal Internacional de Paisaje de Barcelona, Jardins i Jardiners and Arquinfad, with the collaboration of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC). The title of the event is “¿Qué define un jardín del movimiento moderno ibérico (1925-1975)?” [“What defines a garden of the modern Iberian movement (1925-1975)?”]. The presentation will be given by José Tito Rojo at 5.30 pm (GMT+2). This will be followed by a round table with the participation of seven architects from different Spanish schools. The debate session…
Docomomo Ibérico Foundation announced the new dates for the XI Iberian Docomomo Congress. The congress will take place in Murcia between 15-17 September, 2021. This congress, organized jointly by the Docomomo Iberian Foundation and the Official College of Architects of the Region of Murcia, with the collaboration of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Asemas , Arquia and the Ordem dos Arquitectos de Portugal, is convened under the motto “Architecture and Environment: the Mediterranean”. Themes: Projects and architectural works linked by context and form with the…
Docomomo International is pleased to share the proceedings of the 10th Docomomo Ibérico Congress, held in Badajoz on April 18, 19 and 20, 2018 under the title “The social foundation of architecture; of the vernacular and the modern, a synthesis full of opportunities”, organized by the Fundación Docomomo Ibérico, the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Extremadura and the Junta de Extremadura, with the collaboration of various institutions, among which is the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE). The conferences and communications collected in these minutes raise a topic of great interest: the relationship between the postulates of the Modern…
The results of the research Rehabitar project coordinated and developed by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH) between 2106 and 2018, are now summarized in the choral book entitled _re-HABITAR EL CARMEN: A project on Contemporary Heritage, edited as Notebook number 32 of the periodicals of the institution. The Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, on February 18 at 12 noon at its headquarters an academic act of the presented and distributed the work to the scientific community, which was implemented with a visit and a presentation to the neighborhood community of the Barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen that…
UMAR (Union of Mediterranean Architects) invites researchers and practitioners involved in the process of preservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of contemporary architecture buildings, sites and neighbourhoods in the countries around the Mediterranean to present their works at the International Conference Contemporary Architectural Rehabilitation on the Mediterranean that will take place in Montpellier, France, on the 23rd and 24th of June 2020. Please submit abstracts and projects no later than February 29th, 2020 (24 pm GMT) UMAR is now accepting proposals for : Conference papers resulting from research promoting tailored rehabilitation of Contemporary Heritage buildings, sites and neighbourhoods Rehabilitation projects preserving…
Dear Docomomo Chapters, Due to the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19, we are extending the deadline of June 1st to August 15th, 2020. A plan for new documentation homework has been approved in the last Council Meeting, August 30th, 2018 (Ljubljana, Slovenia), proposed by the ISC/Registers. With the aim of moving forward to the documentation of conservation good practices, Docomomo Working Parties (WP) have to submit: Working Parties that already have submitted 30 Documentation Fiches and uploaded 50 sites to MOMOVE: (a) 1 fiche for 2019 and 1 fiche for 2020, on an example of Good Conservation Practice. Download the template here: link, and here: link. (b) A bibliography with 5-10 publications (books or articles) on Modern Movement…
The Docomomo Ibérico Foundation announces the XI Iberian Docomomo Congress that will take place in Murcia from May 6th to 8th, 2020. This congress, organized jointly by the Docomomo Iberian Foundation and the Official College of Architects of the Region of Murcia, with the collaboration of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Asemas , Arquia and the Ordem dos Arquitectos de Portugal, is convened under the motto “Architecture and Environment: the Mediterranean”. Themes: Projects and architectural works linked by context and form with the Mediterranean. Projects…
Docomomo Iberico has made available the minutes from the IX DOCOMOMO Ibérico Congress, which was celebrated in San Sebastián in 2016, in collaboration with the Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España. The minutes are both in Portuguese and Spanish and can now be found online here. Download them for free!