© Docomomo International (2018), Re-Habitar El Carmen
Results of the _re-HABITAR EL CARMEN: A project on Contemporary Heritage

The results of the research Rehabitar project coordinated and developed by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH) between 2106 and 2018, are now summarized in the choral book entitled _re-HABITAR EL CARMEN: A project on Contemporary Heritage, edited as Notebook number 32 of the periodicals of the institution.

The Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, on February 18 at 12 noon at its headquarters an academic act of the presented and distributed the work to the scientific community, which was implemented with a visit and a presentation to the neighborhood community of the Barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen that same afternoon, at 18pm, touring the spaces of the enclave.

It is thanks to the Rehabitar project, that it has demonstrated the convenience and the need for an implementation among the institutions that care about the preservation of our cultural legacy, both of a technical nature as well as of the academic or administrative field.

To know more about the project and the past seminar, please visit: International Seminar: re-Habitar el Carmen | A Project on Contemporary Heritage