Cure & Care. Architecture and Health + Curar e Cuidar. Arquitetura e Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976)
Ana Tostões, Daniela Arnaut, Paulo Providência (eds.)

Docomomo International is pleased to announce the publication of: Ana Tostões, Daniela Arnaut, Paulo Providência (ed.), Cure & Care. Architecture and Health [English] and  Curar e Cuidar. Arquitetura e Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976), [Portuguese], Lisboa, IST-ID, 2020. A joined Ebook in English is being prepared. Cure & Care. Architecture and Health compiles the proceedings from the International Conference of the “CuCa_RE: Cure and Care_the rehabilitation” research project, that happened on the 6th and 7th June 2019, at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon. Curar e Cuidar. Arquitetura e Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976) is composed by three main chapters: first three essays focus on the topic of…

Metropolitan Museum of Art Fellowship in History of Art and Visual Culture (2021-2022)
Deadline: 6th November 2020

“Fellowships at the Met are awarded to scholars in the fields of art history, archaeology, museum education, conservation, and related sciences, as well as scholars in other disciplines, whose dynamic and interdisciplinary projects require close study of objects in The Met collection. Fellowships at The Met are an opportunity for scholars from around the world to use the Museum as a place for exchange, research, and professional advancement. Applicants submit a specific research proposal that makes use of the Museum’s collection and/or resources, and accepted fellows spend the majority of their time working on that project.” More information: Met website.

Reasearch Program “20th Century Architecture, Project Material for the 21st Century Sustainable City”
Multi-year research program 2016-2020

The Office of Architectural, Urban and Landscape Research launched in partnership with the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local and Regional Authorities, in connection with the Urban Planning Plan construction architecture, the National Agency for Urban Renewal, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations and the Social Union pour l’habitat, the program “Architecture du XXe siècle, matière à projet pour la ville durable du XXIe siècle” [“20th Century Architecture, Project Material for the 21st Century Sustainable City”], for the period 2016-2020. General presentation of the research programme The built heritage inherited from…

Recruiting 15 international PhD students in Marie Curie ITN SUBLime
Deadline: 14th September 2020

Docomomo International informs that the SUBLime network is currently looking for dedicated and highly motivated Early Stage Researchers (ESR), who will join our team to craft the future of lime mortars/plasters in new construction and conservation of the built heritage. They are recruiting 15 international PhD students to be trained as European experts in Sustainable Building Lime applications via Circular Economy and Biomimetic Approaches (SUBLime). SUBLime is an European Training Network (ETN) program that will start in February 2021, as a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie action (Innovative Training Network – ITN) involving 9 countries in Europe. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your international career prospects: Original research…

Habiter au XXIe siècle les édifices des années 1950-1970 [Living in the buildings of the 1950s and 1970s in the 21st century]
Multi-annual research program 2016-2020

The BRAUP and the ENSA of Saint-Étienne are pleased to present the summary of the symposium “Habiter au XXIe siècle les édifices des années 1950-1970” which was held in Firminy in the house of Culture of Le Corbusier, November 15 and 16, 2018. General presentation of the research program The built heritage inherited from the 20th century, more particularly that built after 1945, constitutes a major part of the fabric of our cities. It presents a great typological and constructive diversity which makes it possible to envisage multiple adaptation, transformation, restoration, recycling and reuse strategies. It is an important source…

International Call | Valparaiso | Chile 2020-2021
Deadline: 30th March 2021

Italian diaspora in Valparaíso “Architects, engineers, artists between the 19th and 20th centuries” Within the framework of the collaboration agreement signed between the Centro de Estudios y Gestión del Patrimonio de la Universidad de Valparaíso and EdA Esempi di Architettura International Research Center, the following editorial team has been formed: Dra. Olimpia Niglio, Architect Manuel Hernández A ., Historian Baldomero Estrada T. and Architect Francisco Bustamante Ch. The team invites researchers from all over the Ibero-Italian-American academic and professional world to carry out critical and illustrated essays about the material work and contributions to Chilean culture, of architects, engineers, artists…

Call for papers: Cultural Heritage and International Law in the Event of Armed Conflict
Deadline: July 30, 2020

For centuries the international law has developed a vast legal framework of Conventions and Declarations to protect cultural heritage. History also teaches us that it is not always possible to stop those who, with wickedness and contempt, offend the cultural heritage and identities of communities around the world. Following the political events that are offending cultural heritage and destroying the identity of the communities in so many countries of the world, we are urging, today, citizens of the world to reflect together about the value of the “soft power” because the culture is an expression of the communities and stressing…

Results of the _re-HABITAR EL CARMEN: A project on Contemporary Heritage
Date: 18th February

The results of the research Rehabitar project coordinated and developed by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH) between 2106 and 2018, are now summarized in the choral book entitled _re-HABITAR EL CARMEN: A project on Contemporary Heritage, edited as Notebook number 32 of the periodicals of the institution. The Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, on February 18 at 12 noon at its headquarters an academic act of the presented and distributed the work to the scientific community, which was implemented with a visit and a presentation to the neighborhood community of the Barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen that…

Call for applications: PhD “TACK/Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture an its Ways of Knowing”
Deadline: 8th November 2019

A call for applications is being held for 10  PhD positions located at ten academic institutions from across Europe, funded in the frame of the innovative PhD training program “TACK/Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture an its Ways of Knowing”. ‘TACK / Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing’ is a newly funded Innovative Training Network, as part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions within the European Framework Program Horizon 2020. It trains young researchers in understanding the specific knowledge that architects use when designing buildings and cities. TACK gathers ten major academic institutions, three leading cultural architectural institutions as well as nine distinguished…

Cure and Care_the rehabilitation
Deadline for applications: 12th March 2019

A contest has started to award two Research grant under the I&D CuCa_RE: Cure and Care_the rehabilitation project/ CERIS, IST, PTDC_ATPAQI_2577_2014. These grants are for the research group CERIS – ICIST at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. The candidates must have a Master´s in Architecture. Favourable conditions: i) knowledge on history of health facilities´ architecture in Portugal; ii) experience in research, participation at scientific events, production and editing of scientific articles; iii) experience with excel; iv) previous experience with AutoCAD; v) experience in organizing conferences and/or architecture exhibitions. The contest will last from 27th February until 12th March, 2019. To know more about…