Ra. Revista de Arquitectura, is an annual journal published by the University of Navarra School of Architecture. It is regarded as a forum for the expression of research results and academic debate concerning the key areas of interest in architecture and cities by regarding them as cultural realities of undeniable importance and impact and as objects for careful consideration, study and research. It is intended to serve as a channel, especially for the intellectual output of the departments of Theory and History, Urban Design and Architectural Projects, although it has been open to articles and contributions from other professional and educational institutions from the outset. It fosters a perception of architecture that does not lose track of its cultural dimension by establishing just one limitation from the outset: avoiding the practice of publishing current projects and initiatives in the field of design and building typical of other publishers and amply covered in this field by many journals with a proven track record and competence.
“Rescuing the “Machine à Habiter”: The Palladian “Villa” in the second life of Lacaton & Vassal’s Transformed “Grands-Ensembles” is an article written by the Docomomo International’s chair, Professor Ana Tostões, and Jaime Silva.
To read the full article, visit the following page.