“The sixteenth issue of the journal subjects is devoted, in a broad way, to the current condition of the theory of architecture and its role in the architectural debate. To do this, we suggest that we discuss together based on three questions: What is the current state of architecture? Is architectural theory in crisis? What is the role of architectural journals in the current architectural debate?”

“Lina Bo Bardi, faire de la ville la citadelle de la liberté” is an article written by the Docomomo International’s chair, Professor Ana Tostões, for the Matières 16.

Publisher: PPUR
Author(s): Bruno Marchand
Collection: Laboratoire de théorie et d’histoire (LTH)
Published: 23 september 2020
Edition: 1st edition
Media: Book
Pages count Book: 368
Format (in mm) Book: 210 x 270
Weight (in grammes): 1470 (Book)
Language(s): French
EAN13 Book: 9782889153695

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