16th International Docomomo Conference 2020+1

Second Round Call for Papers

Docomomo International invites researchers and practitioners involved in the process of preservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement, to investigate on the theme:Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities.

REAPPLY (Second Round Call for Papers)Due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, some authors pulled out their papers for the DOCOMOMO 2020+1 conference. The conference secretariat is now accepting reapplication of a few papers for the session 1-12. In addition, we are accepting new application for the new theme called “13. Architecture and Urbanism Under / After COVID-19”Note

  • If your paper is already accepted you are not eligible to apply for this round of application.
  • If you are accepted for the poster session and already submitted your poster, you are eligible to apply. There is no need for an additional fee.
  • If your paper is accepted and would like to publish in the conference proceedings, prospective authors and all co-authors need to register and pay registration fee regardless of conference participation.
  • After the paper is accepted, you are not allowed to change authors and co-authors. Please be careful.

Sessions will consist of four papers, followed by 20 minutes for discussion. Each paper should be in English and take no more than 20 minutes to present. Conference papers will be published in the conference Proceedings.

IMPORTANT: About 2020+1
Depending on the COVID-19 situation, the conference can possibly be held as an online conference. If that happens, we will make a decision and announcement 6 months prior to the conference. The proceedings will be published in 2021 even if the conference is held on the online venue. The conference secretariat will issue the certificate of publication for the 2020+1 conference upon request if you have already submitted a full paper and have confirmation. Please ask us to do so via email. (info@docomomo2020.com)

Abstract submission guidelines
Once registered, the submission must be done, in English, by filling the following required information:

1. Title (65 characters max) & Abstract (400 words max);
2. Authors information (Name, University/Company/Organization, Country);
3. Biography (200 words max);
4. In the “Topics” section, please select one of the 11 thematic sessions listed in which you wish to present your paper;
5. In the “Additional Info” section, please indicate your phone number and address.

Abstracts should define the subject and summaries the argument to be presented in the proposed paper. The paper’s content should be the product of well-documented original research that is primarily analytical and interpretive rather than descriptive.
Papers may not have been previously published, nor presented in public.
Only one submission per author/co-author will be accepted.
Each speaker is expected to pursue their own institutional or other support to register, and for travel and accommodation.

Second Round Call for Paper‘s Schedule

1 October – 15 November Second call for papers
20 December Call for paper’s notification of acceptance
15 March Full paper submission deadline (1st version)
5 April Deadline for session chairs to return papers with comments to the speakers
20 May Full paper submission deadline (final version)
29 August 16th International Docomomo Conference Opening reception
30 August to 1 September 16th International Docomomo Conference
2 September International symposium and closing ceremony

*The schedule has been changed for convenience.
*About Student Workshop, detail will be announced in early December 2020.

DOCOMOMO 2020+1 Schedule UPDATE
DOCOMOMO2020 Covid19 Statement1

We are looking forward to see you all in the Ueno Park area, in Tokyo, Japan, under the theme “Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities”!

Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities
Today, not only in Europe, but in Japan, South America, Africa and throughout the world, the architectural cultural heritage that we call the “Modern Movement” (MoMo) has been exposed to the major force of conscious/unconscious destructions.
We can trace the causes to three reasons:

1.Popular Ignorance regarding the MoMo
2.Self-Vulnerability of MoMo
3.Skepticism towards MoMo ideology

Hence why, we are embarking on a mission to mitigate these three elements of threat which are endangering the MoMo. We are calling for, not only, those experts who are directly and indirectly connected to the movement, but all the people interested in the protection of the MoMo in a renewed future, to come together to offer knowledge and experience. There are also three types of knowledge that we must collect from the global community.
From the experts:
1. Knowledge of relativization and reinterpretation;
2. Technology, methodology and policy to revitalize the value and the vitality of the MoMo.
And from the adults gathered around the experts and the children who will carry our world towards the future:
3. Knowledge of education and enlightenment.

1. Space of Sports
2. Urban Landscape
3. Modern Housing
4. Technological/Material Legacies
5. Regional Timber Structures
6. Pedagogies of Docomomo
7. Documentation and Dissemination
8. Global / Local Modernitites
9. Metabolism Reconsidered
10. Designing Daily Life
11. Le Corbusier and the Question of Cultural Heritage
12. Others

The conference will be in the Ueno Cultural District, at
– Tokyo Cultural Hall designed by Kunio Maekawa;
– National Museum of Western Art designed by Le Corbusier;
– Tokyo University of Art and Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties.

Workshop: 25-29 August 2021
Conference: 29 August – 1 September 2021

Please go to the website to find more info: http://www.docomomo2020.com