We have online discussion for The Next Urbanism and Architecture Under/After COVID-19. This series is subtitled “Is Modernism Frozen?” and the discussions were held with titles “HOW DO YOU MAP MODERNISM UNDER/AFTER COVID-19” and “TRAFFIC SEEKS ANOTHER WAY”.
Now we are going to have the third public panel discussion titled “HOUSING FOR ISOLATING” and you are invited to participate.
Zara Ferreira (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon)
Johannes Widodo (National University of Singapore)
Takayuki Suzuki (Wuhan University, China)
It is planned as a ZOOM meeting at 7pm in Japan, 10am in GMT, 90 minutes to two hours, on 12 Saturday, December.
ZOOM ID: 872 8954 5162
passcode: 537565
Link Zoom
Housing has been one of the biggest projects in modern movement.
Modernization was accompanied with explosive growth and the concentration of population. A large young generation that migrated to big cities provided labor power, made nuclear families and became new consumers. Housing in modern movement were designed for these Modern Families, not for the others.
They came to the housing with different backgrounds, such as religion, family business, relatives, dialect, childhoods, incomes and status those had been factors to make a community. They had only factor that is their children to connect families.
Housing in a modern big cities were required high density. A family lived close to the next family sometimes with divided only by concrete walls and floors. However, neighbors didn’t need to build an intimate relation between them because, they, except children, belonged not to the district but to a society with their social role such as labor power or consumers.
A family with no kid have no relation with the district.
Housing, especially an apartment, has been designed as assemble of closed spaces.
Each house have only one steel door to open/close to a corridor that connects to stairway or elevator to the district.
Under COVID-19, many people has been locked-down in their house.
Concrete boxes Locking-down families inside with a steel doors that are set in a line on one side of a corridor.
So we might be able to say “Housing functions well for isolating”.
However, was it a function for modern housing to be expected to work on?
COVID-19 told us that online-societies won’t require us to go to office or school for playing the roles.
We can connect to any society online in the housing.
Is this “teaching” by COVID-19 going to change basic ideas for housing or to enhance a function to isolate?
So we want to discuss about the followings for architecture and cites Under/After COVID-19.
- How housing worked for “modern families” and communities Before/Under COVID-19?
- How housing will be changed up to changing of society, such as online society, aging society, losing factors for making communities and so on Under/After COVID-19.
For the discussion, please refer what I am arguing on Facebook.
The discussion can be reviewed on youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?