HERSUS Webinar

Docomomo International’s chair, Ana Tostões, participated this morning (19th February 2021) on the first HERSUS Webinar via ZOOM, with the presentation: “The education for a sustainable future: the role of Modern Heritage reuse”

“Hosted by the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, the project entitled Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and Sustainability of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education (HERSUS) strives to enhance and test innovative teaching practices in the field of sustainability of the built heritage, hence, to enrich the competence and motivation of educators and researchers in the field of architecture and urban design to include curricula elements that will have tangible results, preparing students and educators to become real actors of the environmental change.

This first project event is dedicated to the presentation of project activities and results of the first research phase, and especially to open up discussion on enhancing heritage awareness and sustainability of the built environment in architectural and urban design higher education among different topics of interest.

The Event will provide starting background of the project and will consist of three parts: Transnational Project Meeting (M1), Multiplier Event (E1), and Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (C1) in the form of Seminar on Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness. Activities E1 and C1 are open to the general public, while activity M1 is planned for consortium members.”

For more information about the project and consortium members, please go to the official website of the project.

Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4216124411705/WN_8Q_EKHsHRBCVWrVUcgzH1Q
Assist on youtube: link.

HERSUS Webinar Agenda: pdf.