Matter: white conferences evokes the 5Oth anniversary, of one of our main references’ death, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969), through MIES.5Oyears.PORTO, a set of actions that discuss his line of thought and body of work, beginning mid-December 2019, extending up to April 2020.
Library Installation_ Exhibit display/Hub
Mies van der Rohe: Architecture is not a Martini Cocktail
FAUP – library, December 19th to March 7th, 2020
Mies van der Rohe: Un´idea di città [Uma ideia de Cidade]
Casa das Artes, March 7th to April 19th, 2020
Opening event: March 7th, Saturday, 4pm.
The exhibition is organized in partnership with Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Construzioni e Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria della Costruzioni e Ambiente Costruito.
Opening event with testimony of Peter Forbes (former Mies van der Rohe collaborator) and the presence of Michele Caja, Martina Landsberger e Angelo Lorenzi (members of curator team, POLIMI) and the presentation of ‘Docomomo Journal 56 – The Heritage of Mies’, second edition, by Ana Tostões (Docomomo Internacional President).
Main Conference
Fritz Neumeyer
Casa das Artes, March 27th, Friday, 6pm
Parallel Talks
Space as an architectural problem
working on Krefeld
with Christiane Lange [Projekt MIK, Krefeld] and
Paul e Johannes Robbrecht [Robbrecht en Daem architecten, Gent]
Casa das Artes, 9th March, Monday, 7pm
The measure of Mies
working on Villa Tugendhat
with Ana Tostões (Docomomo International Presidente)
Casa das Artes, 19th March, Thursday, 7pm
Building on Mies
working on SR Crown Hall e 860-880 Lake shore Drive
with Mark P Sexton [Krueck + Sexton Architects, Chicago]
Casa das Artes, 15th April, Wednesday, 6pm.
In the scope of the events, Docomomo International will present the docomomo Journal 62 – The Heritage of Mies, second edition.
For more informations, please visit: website.
organization: Matter: the white conferences [Matéria: conferências brancas]
josé miguel rodrigues | helder casal ribeiro | pedro borges de araújo | graphic design: marta ramos
partners: DCRN/Casa das Artes | POLIMI | FAUP | Docomomo International | Jofebar | Panoramah | C.M.Porto