© Jean Molitor
17th Docomomo Germany Conference 2020 – Modern Movement and Digital Challenges

The Docomomo Germay Foundation and the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts announce the 17th Docomomo Germany Conference 2020 that will take place in Berlin from March 5th to 7th, 2020.

For Docomomo one of the most important questions is how to make knowledge about the Modern Movement accessible. Knowledge that is scattered in many archive files, heads, websites and books. Knowledge about individual buildings, the philosophical ideas behind them, about construction techniques or the original color scheme. Making it accessible to those who explore the city and whose interest is aroused by a particular building, to those who perhaps even live in a large modernist housing estate, to experts and children. What opportunities does digitization offer to improve the accessibility of knowledge, to improve perception, recognition and thus ultimately the preserving of modern buildings?
Modern Movement and Digital Challenges” is the topic of this year’s 17th Docomomo Germany conference. It is not only about the technical aspects, such as digital tools in design and for solving special challenges, especially when building in a historically valuable substance, but also about the role that digital media plays in communicating modernist or contemporary architecture.
The conference is divided into three thematic blocks and will be framed by keynote lectures by the architects Matthias Sauerbruch and Donatella Fioretti/José Gutierrez Marquez on the relationship between old and new in their projects and changes in architecture in the 20th/21st century.
In the first thematic block “From the Archives to the City” three European cities, Kaunas, Skopje and Antwerp will report on their experiences with the digitization of archival materials on buildings and what significance this has acquired for society’s identification with the particular place.
Afterwards, three examples in “From Files, to Media” will be used to discuss the accessibility or difficulties in making the information accessible to the public. What potentials does the participation of the population in the expansion and maintenance of information offer, especially those who were previously not interested?
“Research to Practice” presents research projects on user tools that aim to support work in urban planning and architectural practice. Key points here are big data, photogrammetry and geodata. Of course, we ask the question of what BIM offers in the field of heritage.
In his film and pictures, the architectural photographer Jean Molitor shows us in the evening how art sharpens our perception and thus creates a new awareness of modern buildings or architecture in general. 
The conference is open to the public and is of special interest to design practitioners including, architects, interior designers, engineers, researchers and to those who are interested in the topic. The conference language is English and German. 
For German chambers of architects: the registration of the conference with the chambers is in progress.

The students of TH OWL receive for their participation at the conference the recognition as a cumulative module.

To register, please visit: Registration
To know more please visit the website.

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