Docomomo International is happy to share that the applications for the 2nd International Photo Contest “Nuestras Arquitectas” are open util 20th November 2021, 24H00 (GMT -3). Organized by Nuestras Arquitectas, it is supported by Universitat Politècncia de València (Spain), Built Heritage Research Group (GPAC) and the UNESCO Chair Cultural Landscapes and Heritage of the University of the Basque Country, GADU programme -Gender, Architecture, Design, Urbanism- Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana at Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Colegio Territorial de arquitectos de Valencia, LINA Plataforma, Un día | una arquitecta, Línea de investigación Urbanismo, Arquitectura…
Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the call for papers for the 2022 Docomomo US National Symposium is now open, with due date 13th January 2022. The title of the symposium is “Yo! Modernism: The View from Philadelphia”. “Yo! Modernism! In the Philadelphia region, “yo” is a colloquialism used to get someone’s attention quickly. It’s a phrase without pretense, and when combined with Modernism, it puts into focus the importance of place and community in our modern heritage, as well as the urgency of preservation efforts. The 2022 Docomomo US National Symposium will explore why Modernism still has the…
Docomomo International is pleased to share that two new publications about the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion edited by Dietrich Neumann and David Caralt, will be presented at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion on 5th November 2021, 1 pm (GMT+1). The publications result from the authors’ rigorous collectio, selection and edition of the voices of researchers and artists in two volumes about the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion that will be from now on reference books for any person interested in the Pavilion and Modern Architecture. “An Accidental Masterpiece is an in depth study of the Pavilion that presents much…
The call for papers for the 2022 volume of Anales de Historia del Arte is open for submissions until 1st February 2022. The theme of this volume 32 is “Arte y Archivo / Art and the Archive”. “Archives are essential places for research and knowledge creation for art historians and artists alike. In this issue we address the fertile relationship of archives with art and its historiography over the centuries. We welcome proposals that consider this question from a theoretical or methodological perspective, as well as from one based on case studies. Possible approaches might include, though are not necessarily limited…
Docomomo International is happy to announce the launching of the second edition of the Barcelona International Architecture Film Festival, BARQ. “The BARQ Festival is a film festival aimed at vindicating films on architecture as a specific genre and at deepening the relationship between architecture and the seventh art. Cinema uses architecture to show and create worlds that explore social realities, and architecture uses cinema to encourage reflection on the most current issues regarding the spaces we inhabit. It is the only international competition film festival of architecture in Spain. With an audience success and critical acclaim since its beginnings, the festival will…
Docomomo International is pleased to share that the call for abstracts for the 18th issue of ArchiDOCT , focused on the topic Temporalities, is now open until 1st March 2022. “The 18th issue of ArchiDOCT welcomes papers that explore the theme of ‘temporality’ in architecture and the built environment from a theoretical or an applied standpoint. We are interested in the variety of approaches, insights, and opportunities for research that arise from considering time in its heterogeneous dimensions and manifestations (time as speed, rhythm, sequence, horizon, …). In recent decades, the conceptualization and analysis of time has moved beyond Newtonian, linear,…
Docomomo International is pleased to share that “the latest issue of the APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology is a special issue devoted to multiple aspects of disaster mitigation. It was guest-edited by Rosa Lowinger, president and chief conservator at RLA Conservation of Art + Architecture, and Kyle Normandin, associate principal at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. The article entitled “Post-Disaster Amnesia: Lack of Mitigation Planning and Heritage Rationality in a Port-au-Prince Megaproject ” by Olsen Jean Julien discusses how Haiti ignored seismic risk in planning for its bicentennial celebration in 1950. As a result, many of the buildings built for the bicentennial collapsed…
Save the date! The newly out book Lisboa Moderna [Modern Lisbon] by Ana Tostões will be launched in two events: – 29th October 2021, 21H30, Porto, Fundação Marques da Silva with Paula Santos and José Fernando Gonçalves – 3rd November 2021, 18H00, Lisbon, CCB – Garagem Sul with Dra. Ana Sousa Dias, João Luís Carrilho da Graça and Gonçalo Byrne In this book, resulting from the latest researches about the city of Lisbon, Ana Tostões proposes a reflection on the modern city of Lisbon based on a reading of its transformation and a historical and critical analysis of a group of…
Docomomo International is pleased to announce that on 19th October 2021 a mini-symposium and book presentation of the publication Common Ground, Dutch-South African Architectural Exchanges 1902–1961, edited by Nicholas Clarke, Roger Fisher, and Marieke Kuipers, will take place in the Netherlands and South Africa on young architectural heritage shared between these two countries. This event will take place online simultaneously in Amsterdam, Pretoria and Cape Town. “As part of the Dutch History Month, the results of a transnational study into the work of emigrated Dutch built environment professionals from the period 1902–1961 will be presented. This research was initiated by…
Organised by Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea of the Italian Ministry of Culture and Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, the study days under the theme “Art and public space / Arte e Spazio Pubblico” will take place on 24th, 25th, and 31st January and 1st and 11th February 2022. Therefore a call for abstracts was now launched. “Speaking about art and public space means focusing the discussion on critical and interrogative reflections to reformulate concepts, terminologies and settings while at the same time opening towards new scenarios as regards the processes of defining, designing, and developing artistic practices…