Docomomo International is pleased to share that two new publications about the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion edited by Dietrich Neumann and David Caralt, will be presented at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion on 5th November 2021, 1 pm (GMT+1).
The publications result from the authors’ rigorous collectio, selection and edition of the voices of researchers and artists in two volumes about the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion that will be from now on reference books for any person interested in the Pavilion and Modern Architecture.
“An Accidental Masterpiece is an in depth study of the Pavilion that presents much new research from Spanish, German and American archives and rewrites much of the building’s history. For the first time, it sheds light on the complex political context of the Pavilion’s genesis and execution and positions it in relation to other examples of its building type. It also traces the long history of its reconstruction and includes many of the art pieces developed for it over the last two decades.
The Barcelona Pavilion by Mies van der Rohe. One Hundred Texts since 1929 is the collection of 100 texts and voices during the last 90 years about the pavilion that provide a cross-section of critical approaches to reading and interpreting modern architecture. Besides many contemporary voices, from King Alfonso XIII to the German commissioner Georg von Schnitzler (who financed most of the building), we hear from major architectural historians such as Henry Russell Hitchcock, Kenneth Frampton or Josep Quetglas and many contemporary architects, like Rem Koolhaas, Peter Eisenman, Fumihiko Maki and Frank Gehry.
Dietrich Neumann is professor of History of Modern Architecture and Director of Urban Studies, Brown University, USA.
David Caralt is architect and historian, professor and Head of School in Escuela de Arquitectura CCP, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.”
For more information and to book your place, please go to the Fundacio Mies van der Rohe website