Open call for submissions: BARQ – Barcelona Architecture Film Festival

Docomomo International is happy to announce the launching of the second edition of the Barcelona International Architecture Film Festival, BARQ.

“The BARQ Festival is a film festival aimed at vindicating films on architecture as a specific genre and at deepening the relationship between architecture and the seventh art. Cinema uses architecture to show and create worlds that explore social realities, and architecture uses cinema to encourage reflection on the most current issues regarding the spaces we inhabit.

It is the only international competition film festival of architecture in Spain. With an audience success and critical acclaim since its beginnings, the festival will celebrate its second edition from May 10th to May 15th 2022, during the Barcelona Architecture Week, in person and in online format.

With an extensive program that includes a selection of national and international documentary films and various parallel activities (talks, debates, workshops, conferences), the BARQ Festival brings to all its audience new perspectives on the creative processes behind architectural practice through cinema. By showcasing a selection of the most recent national and international productions in the field, the festival will serve as a platform for architectural films and cinema inspired by architecture from a social perspective. Our main objective is to bring the most current issues of contemporary architecture practice to the general public through cinema, creating a space for critical reflection on the spaces we inhabit.

If you have filmed a feature film or a short film with a topic related to architecture or you are about to finish it, you can take part in our call. Your work could be in the Official Selection of the BARQ Festival 2022.”

Check out the rules here. More information on the BARQ festival website.
Inscriptions are to be made through the online platform FilmFreeway.

The  BARQ Festival is an initiative of the production company NIHAO Films with the support of Fundació Mies van der Rohe, ARQUIN-FAD and Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya.