Call for submissions. UIA 2030 AWARD: UIA & UN-HABITAT

Docomomo International is pleased to share that “the UIA, in partnership with UN-Habitat, launched the UIA 2030 Award to promote the work of architects contributing to delivery of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with the New Urban Agenda.

The biennial award, synchronized with the World Urban Forum, invites all architects around the world to submit entries for built projects which demonstrate design quality and have made significant contributions towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in six categories. The first cycle of the UIA Award (2021 – 2022) is now open for entries.

Faced with the challenges of climate change, rapid urbanisation and deepening inequality caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a more important time for architects and built environment professionals to contribute to this pressing global agenda.

The UIA is committed to supporting delivery of the 17 SDGs, especially SDG11, ‘To make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’.

Awards will be made for built projects which demonstrate design quality and have made significant contributions towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in each of the following six categories:

Sustainable Development Goals (Generally)
1. Open Category

Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Specifically)
2. Improving energy efficiency

Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Specifically)
3. Adequate, safe and affordable housing
4. Participatory, land-use efficient and inclusive planning
5. Access to green and public space
6. Utilising local materials

Submissions may be made for more than one category; Submitted projects should have been designed and delivered by architects of any nationality entitled to practice in their country of residence. Reason: To recognise the work of architects which contributes to delivery of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development together with the New Urban Agenda.

Submissions should be for built projects that have been completed and occupied for a period of between 1-5 years prior to date of submission. Reason: To encourage consideration of the project in use together with its performance/impact.

More information about the Award here. The Outline & Brief of the  UIA 2030 Award Outline & Brief can be read here.

Submissions should be done through the UIA Competitions and Awards submission platform.