Urbanism+Landscape and Docomomo Israel
Research Lecture: The Role of Housing Research in Design, Preservation and Urban Regeneration
“Docomomo members have been kindly invited to a joint research seminar of the University of Edinburgh on the the role of housing research in design, preservation and urban regeneration”. Taking advantage of their visit to Scotland for the SAH Glasgow conference, Dr. Yael Allweil (Co-chair of Docomomo Israel) of the Technion Institute of Technology (Haifa) and Dr. Inbal Ben Asher Gitler (Co-chair of Docomomo Israel) of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, will discuss the many-layered and controversial subject of postwar modernist housing and planning in Israel, including both the original “nation-building” phase (with its political and ideological issues of land-control) and present-day heritage and regeneration questions.
The free seminar will take place on Friday, 09 June, at 17:30 at the university´s Minto House on Chambers Street, where the talks will be held in Room 4.17 (USD Room). The seminar is co-hosted by Docomomo ISC Urbanism & Landscape.”
More details: PDF below