Call for Papers: 15th International Docomomo Conference – Metamorphosis. The Continuity of Change

15th International Docomomo Conference
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28-31 August 2018

Metamorphosis. The Continuity of Change

 Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
ORGANIZED by: docomomo International and docomomo Slovenia


Call for Papers
. 2 June – 1 September 2017 – Call for Papers
. 8 November 2017 – Notification of Acceptance
. 30 January 2018 – Full paper submission deadline (1st version).
. 28 February 2018 – Deadline for session chairs to return papers with comments to authors, with suggested revisions.
. 30 March 2018 – Full paper submission deadline (final version).

. 20-28 August 2018 – Workshop
. 28-31 August 2018 – Conference
. 26-27 August; 1-3 September 2018 – Docotours

Every two years docomomo (the international committee for documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement) organizes an international conference, bringing together docomomo members and friends from its 72 national Working Parties, as an opportunity for in-depth exploration of an important theme or aspect of the Modern Movement.

The forthcoming conference is being hosted by docomomo Slovenia and will take place at the Cankarjev Dom, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 28 to 31 August 2018, under the theme Metamorphosis. The Continuity of Change.


At the 15th International Conference in Ljubljana, docomomo will address the history of Modern Movement transformations. This will be done in relation to cultural and natural aspects within the overall continuity of change. Both theory and practice will be considered.
In 2018, docomomo will celebrate 30 years of effort to preserve and adapt the technical, social and aesthetic goals of the Modern Movement – values which have always been intrinsically intertwined with change. As Badiou put it, change is the law of the world; the absence of change is death. When we think, we think change (Introduction to the Philosophical Concept of Change, 2012).
Today we are experiencing a huge escalation of change in all areas of life, even surpassing the radical transformations that characterised the Modern Movement era of the mid-20th century; Kafka’s Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung, 1915) is becoming close to reality. Human and social values, authenticity and identity, are undergoing fundamental changes in their meaning or relevance. The difference between the original and its copy is waning. The social and aesthetic values of the Modern Movement, as well as its status as heritage and element of identity, are very much under attack. So, what does docomomo stand for in this rapidly changing context?


1) Cities
Our cities are evolving in response to continuously changing forces. These involve many different layers of economics, politics and science. What can we learn from past experiences of the Modern Movement urban developments? How can we reconcile Modern Movement ideals and built legacy with the digital revolution, worldwide mobility, migration and increasing environmental awareness? How can our attraction towards the ever new, and incessant innovation, be reconciled with sustainable urban conservation? Which examples of success and failure can be identified?

Keywords: Neighbourhoods; Megastructures; Complexes; Multifunctionality; Urbanity; Urban planning; Public Space; Lifestyle; Infrastructures; Networks; Transport; Mobility; Density; New towns; Inner city; Suburbia; Civility; Digital technology.

2) Buildings
During the process of restoration or adaptive reuse, the paradigmatic challenge is to adapt the buildings concerned to different functions, users, lifestyles, environmental and safety standards. How can we select what must be preserved and what can be changed? How to combine preservation with legal energy efficiency directives? What are the most up-to-date technologies and processes of material selection that can improve the experience of living in modern buildings? How can new technologies and materials´ improvements be assessed? Within the decision-making process, how can we effectively address authoritative changes? How are interiors, well-being and atmospheres affected by these changes? Which are the most informative examples of modern architectural heritage restoration or adaptive reuse, and their successes and failures?

Keywords: Restoration; Conversion; Renovation; Reuse; Icon; Ordinary; Programme; Functionalism; Prefabrication; Construction; Technologies; Energy efficiency; Seismic Retrofit; Legislative impact; Safety; Interiors; Atmosphere; Furniture; Lighting; Arts.

3) Identity
Human migration plays a fundamental role in all societies today. The forced interaction of people and places is now increasingly central to the development of cities and architecture. In the context of a society substantially shaped by physical and virtual transfers, how can identity be created, from the generic to the specific? Which is the role of the architectural heritage? What can we learn from the Modern Movement ideals of equality and progress, nowadays still perceivable through its built legacy? In the fact of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization and the fragmentation of the urban and social fabric, how can a sense of community and solidarity survive in our ever more pluralistic societies? In this context, is it realistically possible to preserve character and memory in conservation and adaptive reuse projects? If so, is it possible to pinpoint clear cases of success and failure?

Keywords: Migration; Speed; Society; Culture; Aesthetics; Community; Civil Society; Appropriation; Occupation; Public; Co-presence; Identity; Representation; Collectivity; Authenticity; Ethics; Unity; Integrity; Society; Permanence; Ephemerality; Participation; Planning processes.

4) Environment
The accelerating processes of contemporary development, coupled with lack of commitment and responsibility, have created incredibly damage on an ever-vaster scale, including phenomena such as climate change, breakdown of traditional cultures, or hyper-individualization. Also, the overall context of the economic crisis requires a better management of natural resources. How can the modern built environment help foster a sustainable environment? How can we combine sustainability and modernity? Is it possible to identify exemplary cases (as less successful examples) of reuse projects set within different traditions, social and physical environments, and employing sustainable architecture and urban design to reflect local requirements?

Keywords: Nature; Earth; Ecology; Natural versus Artificial; Sustainability; Energy efficiency; Seismic Retrofit; Natural resources; Local resources; Climate change; Environmental damage; Tradition; Modernity.


Alexander Tzonis
Ambient d.o.o (Majda Kregar, Miha Kerin, Martin Ravnikar)
Boris Podrecca
Claes Caldenby
Damjan Prelovšek
Liane Lefaivre
Sadar Vuga (Boštjan Vuga, Diana Vučinić, Simon Hartman)
Vladimir Šlapeta

Ana Tostões
(Chair of docomomo International)
Hubert-Jan Henket
(Honorary President of docomomo International)
Zara Ferreira
(Secretary General of docomomo International)
Louise Noelle
(ISCS Representative)
Natasa Koselj
(docomomo Slovenia/15IDC Representative)

Ana Tostões (Docomomo International, Portugal)
Andrea Canziani (Italy)
Bárbara Coutinho (Portugal)
Claes Caldenby (Sweden)
Eui-Sung Yi (Korea)
Franz Graf (Switzerland)
Henrieta Moravcikova (Slovakia)
Horacio Torrent (Chile)
João Belo Rodeia (Portugal)
Judi Loach (UK)
Louise Noelle (Mexico)
Miles Glendinning (Scotland)
Natasa Koselj (Slovenia)
Ola Wedebrunn (Denmark)
Ruth Verde Zein (Brazil)
Uta Pottgiesser (Germany)
Yoshiyuki Yamana (Japan)
Zara Ferreira (Docomomo International, Portugal)