Architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia [Architecture from the 20th century in Basilicata and Puglia]]

“9 x 100 = 900, 9 itinerari per 100 architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia” is the title of the week dedicated to the modern movement architecture, organized by Docomomo Italy, from 15th to 23rd November, in Matera.

On November 15th, to mark the beginning of the week, the traveling exhibition “9 itinerari per 100 architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia“, organized by the Basilicata and Puglia sections of Docomomo Italy will be inaugurated at the Cinema Teatro Duni (by the architect Ettore Stella, from Matera, 1949); guided tours to Matera’s modern architecture will take place during the same day, followed by the international conference on the architecture of the 20th century in Basilicata and Puglia.

The two-day conference, taking place 15th and 16th November at the Congress Hall of the Chamber of Commerce (by the architect Ernesto la Padula and the engineer Vincenzo Corazza, 1935),  will deal with the relationships between architecture and modernity in the South of Italy and on the concepts of community and city; identity and territory.

The initiatives were organized by the Docomomo Italia territorial sections, in collaborations with the Ordini degli architetti e degli ingegneri di Matera, the Centro Studi Giorgio Muratore, the University of Basilicata, the Politecnico di Bari and the sponsorship of: Regioni Puglia e Basilicata, di Matera 2019 and Comune di Matera.

Please find here the poster of the initiative and more articles about this event [Italian]:
Il Giornale dell’