Promoted by Docomomo Italy, Open House is an annual event that in just one weekend allows the free opening of hundreds of buildings in the capital, notable for their architectural characteristics. For the IX edition of Open House Roma (2nd-3rd October 2021), Docomomo Italia promotes the following activities: Il quartiere Trieste tra piazza Verbano e piazza Istria: una quotidiana modernità [The Trieste district between Piazza Verbano and Piazza Istria: a daily modernity] – by Emma Tagliacollo Il cinema Troisi nella ex GIL di Luigi Moretti [The Troisi cinema in the former GIL by Luigi Moretti] – by Rosalia Vittorini More information…
On 2nd October 2021 Docomomo Italy inaugurated the exhibition 9×100=’900 Trani – 9 Itinerari x 100 Architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia [9 itineraries x 100 architectures of the ‘900 in Basilicata and Puglia]. An inauguration conference took place on the same day entitled Convegno sulla conoscenza e la tutela dell’architettura moderna [Conference on the knowledge and protection of modern architecture] moderated by Antonello Pagliuca. The program can be seen here The exhibition can be visited until 10th October at Castello Svevo, Trani. More information on Docomomo Italy’s website
Docomomo International would like to share the publication The Conservation Plan of the Flaminio Stadium [Piano di Conservazione dello Stadio Flaminio], published by the Getty Foundation of Los Angeles is now available online on the website of the Keeping it Modern initiative, with which the research work and the creation of the document were financed. During three years of work, a team of 36 specialists was involved in the drafting of an in-depth historical-critical study of the Stadium and its urban context, in the development of an organic database, in the development of digital models for multidisciplinary analysis and in…
Docomomo International would like to share the exhibition “9 x 100 = ‘900 – 9 ITINERARI PER 100 ARCHITETTURE DEL ‘900 IN BASILICATA E PUGLIA”, wich will be in place between 18th June and 16th July, 2021. The exihibition wants to focus attention on the most significant architectures built in the two regions during the 20th century: an initiative that is the result of a filing of the regional architectural heritage of the 20th century by Docomomo Italia, Sezione Basilicata and Puglia E.T.S. Within this filing, a Scientific Committee of international importance has selected 100 works of modern architecture of…
On the occasion of the ending of the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi Architettura come Sfida [Pier Luigi Nervi – Architecture as a Challenge] that happened between 25th January and 26th February 2021, will happen the online talks cycle “Pier Luigi Nervi e l’architettura del ‘900 a Firenze”, between 26th February and 9th April 2021. Organized by Fondazione degli Architetti di Firenze [Architects’ Foundation Florence], Associazione Pier Luigi Nervi Project [Pier Luigi Nervi Project Association] and Manifattura Tabacchi, this cycle of four talks explores the theme of the importance of Pier Luigi Nervi’s Municipal Stadium Nervi, both in the context of…
Docomomo Italy is inviting you to visit the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi – Architettura come Sfida [Pier Luigi Nervi – Architecture as a Challenge]. “Manifattura Tabacchi will host the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi Architettura come Sfida (Architecture as a Challenge), an international retrospective dedicated to one of the most significant Italian engineers of the 20th century. The culmination of a vast research project, this detailed journey through Nervi’s work is marked out by twelve iconic projects, selected by an international scientific committee chaired by Professor Carlo Olmo, and with materials illustrating the project for Manifattura Tabacchi. Scale models, designs and…
Docomomo Italy is inviting you to participate in the webinar “Gli stadi di calcio in Italia: un patrimonio a rischio?” [Football stadiums in Italy: a heritage at risk?], 6th February 2021, 9A.M. – 6.15P.M (GMT+1). More information: Docomomo Italy website; Flaminio Stadium in Rome and Artemio Franchi Stadium in Florence.
Docomomo International became aware by Docomomo Italy that the Flaminio Stadium in Rome, an icon of modern Italian architecture, is in danger due to the new amendment included in the Italian so-called ‘Simplification Decree’: art. 55-bis of Legislative Decree no. 76/2020, which has nullified the effectiveness of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, linked to one of the most important principles of the Italian Constitution, Article 9. Flaminio Stadium, is a renown structure designed by Pier Luigi and Antonio Nervi, between 1957 and 1958 and inaugurated in 1959. “It was built as part of the main nucleus of new facilities…
Eight weekly sessions, presented by international academics reflecting on some of the protagonists of the European and Latin American Modern Movement who trained or carried out part of their professional careers between the two continents. This project stems from some reflections on the Swiss master’s 1929 journey and on his relationship with Latin America, with which he established a bond through meetings, conferences and collaborations that lasted about three decades. The journey had a twofold outcome: on the one hand, it introduced new demands in the concept of architecture proposed by the first generation of the European Modern Movement, such…
“9 x 100 = 900, 9 itinerari per 100 architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia” is the title of the conference and exhibition dedicated to the modern movement architecture, organized by Docomomo Italy, 11th September 2020, in Carovigno. On September 11th, the conference, taking place at the Castello Dentice di Frasso, will deal with the relationships between architecture, history, landscape and modernity in the South of Italy. Followed the international conference on the architecture of the 20th century in Basilicata and Puglia, the traveling exhibition “9 itinerari per 100 architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia”, organized by the…