Tertulias Cycle of GPHUC-UnB

Docomomo International is plesead to announce the Tertulias Cycle of GPHUC-UnB, organized by the Grupo de Pesquisa em História do Urbanismo e da Cidade (GPHUC-UnB) [Research Group on History of Urbanism and the City], to take place between 7th of July and 28th of August 2020.


07/10/2020, 17h (Brasília time)
Prof. Dr. Renato Rego.
Theme: “New Cities in Brazil in the 20th Century and Contemporary Urbanism”
(Link to enter the Youtube meeting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q4delwociM)

07/17/2020, 17h (Brasília time)
Profa. Dr. Ana María Rigotti.
Theme: “Le Corbusier and the plan director for Buenos Aires (1929/1937/1939/1947) – the future as a metamorphosis of the past” (soon we will release the link to the zoom and youtube platform).

07/24/2020, 17h (Brasília time)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Atique (UNIFESP / Brazil)
Theme: “Urban Dust – demolitions in the central area of ​​São Paulo and the establishment of the modern city (1908-1945)”

07/08/2020, 17h (Brasília time)
Prof. Dr. Laurent Vidal (La Rochelle / France)
Theme: “The Atlantic circulations of modern architecture experiences (1940-1950) – the examples of Royan (France) and Brasília”

08/14/2020, 17h (Brasília time)
Prof. Dra. Maria Fernanda Derntl (UnB / Brasil)
Theme: “History of the Formation of Brasília beyond the Plano Piloto”

08/21/2020, 17h (Brasília time)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Cabral (UFRGS / Brazil)
It has: “Telluric landscape – Lina Bo Bardi and the suburb”

08/28/2020, 17h (Brasília Time)
Prof. Dr. Alex F. Magalhães (UFRJ / Brazil)
Theme: “Favela é Cidade! – The regulation of favelas in a historical and urban perspective: the case of Rio de Janeiro”

For more information, please go to GPHUC-UnB website. [Spanish]