Docomomo International is happy to announce the winner and 2 honourable mentions of the 4th Docomomo Photo Prize edition — 2019, under the theme Cure and Care Architecture.
The Docomomo Photo Prize is an international photography competition promoted by Docomomo International that is taking place every season according to a specific theme, through Instagram.
The jury panel of this edition was composed by:
Ana Tostões (Architect, PhD, Chair of Docomomo International and Full Professor at Técnico — University of Lisbon)
Björn Schötten (Architect, Aachen University Hospital Geymüller)
Daniela Arnaut (Architect, Professor at Técnico – University of Lisbon)
Iñaki Bergera (Architect, photographer)
Jonas Malmberg (Architect, Alvar Aalto Foundation)
Paulo Pais (Architect, Lisboa City Council Urban Planning Department Director)
Sílvio Alves (Architect, Collaborator of Docomomo International)
Wessel de Jonge (Architect, Professor at TU Delft)
And the selected winner is …
Joana Garcia Nunes (@casa_da_joana) with a photograph of Clínica Heliântia (F. Oliveira Ferreira, 1930, Gaia, Portugal).
The following photos received honourable mentions:
– Carlos Traspaderne (@charlystardust), Chapel of the Hospital Militar Central de la Defensa Gomez Ulla, Madrid, Spain, Juan Cámpora Rodriguez, 1967-75;
– Jürgen Järvik (@grandflaneur), Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Servia, Josip Osojnik & Slobodan Nikolic, 1973-1981.
Docomomo International thanks and congratulates all the participants!
Please check the winner photo and honourable mentions of the 4th Docomomo Photo Prize edition — 2019— Cure and Care Architecture in the pdf below.
Download PDF (Link)