Docomomo International Student Workshop 2020 Tokyo


Learning from Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace For Resilient Inheritance

6th – 10th September 2020, Tokyo, Japan

The goal of the International Student workshop is to understand the significance of ideas in modern movement for our contemporary society and the environment.

You will discover new ideas and methodologies through participation in our Workshop. With this unique experience, participants will take home valuable tools and approaches to help develop new ideas for your future career.

Tokyo – Modern and Historic

Tokyo is a large, modern and futuristic city. It is also very historic. After the middle of 20th Century, some architects and critics predicted that “modern architecture is likely to lose the regional or historical character.” “Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace”, in the mega-city Tokyo, has successfully connected to the historical and regional context through the vocabulary of modern architecture. Today, we must answer to the challenging question of how we can preserve and develop our environment while the architects continue to evolve the modernist theory. We believe that this Workshop, in the context of Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace, will inspire us all.

Daikan-Yama Hillside Terrace and Fumihiko Maki

Fumihiko Maki, one of the world’s leading contemporary architects and the Pritzker Award winner, was responsible for the design of Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace, built in phases between 1969 and 1992. In the project, Maki considered the surrounding environment as the context of history and geographical region.

Fumihiko Maki will be giving a lecture at the beginning of the Workshop and his office will lend support in your understanding of the project. Isn’t this an amazing opportunity!?

What is “Group Form” anyway?

You will understand three major approaches for Collective Form.

  1. 1: Compositional Form
  2. 2: Mega-Structure (Form)
  3. 3: Group Form

Maki explained his theory about Group Form with showing traditional villages. Learn it with documents we Docomomo will provide for the workshop.

You will experience and find…

You will experience the architecture and the environment, which you can, only through being in the place. You will find what Maki, in the past fifty years, has nurtured” Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace through the process of design, and how you also can “nurture” your projects with skills and knowledge to create the history and the future.
Daikan-yama is situated within the central core of a mega-city Tokyo and is well known for its concentrated cultural venues and activities, while historical context, nature and buildings are well-preserved.

You’ll find the relationship between mega-city and the preserved environment which reveals unique Sequence and Linkage in Hillside Terrace and the neighborhood in Daikan-yama. Maki mentions that this research is aimed at accomplishing the Unity of Experience.

Maki describes five Operational Categories for the sequence and linkage.

  1. 1: To Mediate
  2. 2: To Define
  3. 3: To Repeat
  4. 4: To Make A Sequential Path
  5. 5: To Select

As an example, “Former Asakura Residence”, built over a hundred years ago, should be comprehended as a linkage to history. Around this linkage, you will find and record something to “mediate”, “define”, “repeat”, “make a sequential path”, or “select.”

Join the Workshop!

6th – 10th September 2020, Tokyo, Japan

September 6th 2020: Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace, Hillside Plaza
September 7th -10th 2020: Nihon University (Surugadai Campus)
September 10th – 13th 2020: Tokyo University of Arts, The University Arts Museum (Exhibited)
Participants in the workshop are expected to participate in DOCOMOMO International Conference (10th -13th Sept.)

15th April 2020 – Application Deadline
15th May 2020 – Notification of acceptance / Announcement of Workshop Tutors

To sign up go to docomomo 2020 website!