Digital forum – Beirut Urban Declaration

Docomomo International is pleased to share the digital forum organized by the Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut “Beirut Urban Declaration”, happening 12th, 13th and 14th March 2021, online.

“Transport and urban mobility, housing, Beirut’s harbor, urban regulations and heritage, master plan for the districts devastated by the explosion of August 4, 2020… These 5 issues crucial to Beirut reconstruction will be discussed on March 12, 13, 14, 2021 during a digital forum organized by the Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut.

“Since the explosion of August 4, 2020, the Order has mobilized to build positive dynamics around the reconstruction of Beirut. An accurate diagnosis of the damage closely associated with a fundamental reflection on the future of the City in all its dimensions – citizenship, heritage, economic, urban and social – was started by the Order of Engineers and Architects in synergy with the schools of architecture in Lebanon as well as many actors of the civil society. This effort resulted in the development of a “Beirut Declaration” for the rehabilitation and revitalization of the devastated neighborhoods.

The Digital Forum of 12,13, 14 March aims to ensure the follow-up of current initiatives and projects. It also aims to contribute to the development of a global vision of urban issues and transformations in the hope of building a national project for heritage conservation and development, the protection of Beirut’s social fabric and urban identity”, indicates Jad Tabet, the OEA President.

With the support of the French government, UNESCO-LiBeirut and the International Union of Architects (UIA).
The event is open to all, live and with translation in English and Arabic and French.
Program: pdf.
Beirut Urban Declaration: pdf.

Event Live forum: linkedin, twitter and facebook.
More information on the OEA website.