© Society of Architectural Historians
Call for Proposals: SAH CONNECTS Programs

The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) presents year-round virtual programming through SAH CONNECTS, a series of workshops, roundtables, seminars, and discussions that focus on timely issues related to the history of the built environment. The Society invites individuals and those representing SAH Affiliate Groups, publications, programs, online educational resources, chapters, and partner organizations to submit a proposal for consideration for SAH CONNECTS.

The purpose of SAH CONNECTS is to allow for virtual sharing of scholarship, professional development workshops, book discussions, and other types of programs that will advance knowledge in the field of architectural history.  We welcome proposals from those who study every time period and all aspects of the built environment, including landscape, urban history, heritage studies, and aspects of social justice as related to architecture.

What does the selected submitter commit to?

If your submission is selected, you are committed to moderating the program, recruiting panelists/speakers, writing program description, gathering bios and headshots from all panelists/speakers, and overseeing the format you have chosen; for example, if you do not wish to moderate the program, you are responsible for recruiting an appropriate person to do it.

Submission Guidelines

Program submissions must include the following elements:

  1. A program title not longer than 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation
  2. Summary of the subject and the premise in no more than 500 words
  3. Name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, and email address (Please ensure that the information you are providing matches, if applicable, an existing SAH profile/membership account to avoid misdirecting communications. If it does not match what SAH has on file, please update your existing member profile to match your current information.)
  4. A current CV (2 pages maximum)
  5. Same information in #3 and #4 for Co-Moderator, if applicable

For more informations, please go to Society of Architectural Historians website.