Award: EU Mies Award 2019 – winners

The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe have announced the winning works of the Prize for Contemporary Architecture of the European Union – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019. The two award-winning projects have been chosen from a list of 383 works from 38 European countries.

The winning work of 2019 is The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award has been awarded to the Transformation of 530 homes – Grand Parc Bordeaux by Lacaton & Vassal architectes, Frédéric Druot Architecture and Christophe Hutin Architecture; an innovative renovation of three large blocks of social housing in Bordeaux that radically improves the space and the quality of life of its occupants and optimizes the economic and environmental costs.

The Emerging Architecture 2019 has been awarded to the Toulouse-based studio BAST for their school cafeteria in Montbrun-Bocage, Haute-Garonne, near the French Pyrenees, an extension of a small village school which closes the playground physically but not visually.

In the first selection of 40 contenders projects for this year´s Prize, Culture was the most represented program with 15 works (museums, cultural centres, music theatres and an auditorium/congress centre). There were 6 Education buildings (schools, university buildings and libraries); 5 Collective housing works; 3 Mixed use constructions, 2 Industrial centres and 2 Single houses; and 1 Health, 1 Infrastructure, 1 Office, 1 Social welfare, 1 Sport and Leisure, and 1 Urban planning works.

To view the full list and find more information, please visit the 2019 Mies Award website.