6th International Iconic Houses Conference “Pioneers of the Dutch Modern House”

The Iconic Houses Foundation is proud to present its 6th International Conference from 2nd-8th June 2020 at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This event will include visits to circa 23 unique houses in The Netherlands, Belgium and France!

The lectures on the two conference days (4th and 5th June) will be devoted to two themes: Thursday will focus on the “Pioneers of the Dutch Modern House” in the Netherlands and their impact on architectural history; Friday will have an international scope with presentations about “Saving Icons at Risk”.

The deadline for registration is Friday, 15th May 2020.
All registration is subject to availability. We advise you to register early to secure a spot, since space is limited and events may sell out before the deadline.

Pioneers of the Dutch Modern House   

We will explore 20th-century Dutch architecture from the Amsterdam School to Post-Modernism, visiting wonderful homes by Rietveld, J.J.P. Oud, and Brinkman & Van der Vlugt, and others in Utrecht, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Several of these are examples of social housing – an area in which the Netherlands is particularly rich.

Saving Icons at Risk

Much recent heritage remains unprotected – and therefore vulnerable. Icons at Risk is a research project that aims to help protect and support threatened 20th-century houses. At the conference, we will highlight some of the homes currently under threat, and learn from success stories such as Villa Cavrois (from condemned building to 100,000 visitors annually).

To register, please go to: registration.
To know more, please visit website.