© Docomomo International (2018), Re-habitar el Carmen
International Seminar: re-Habitar el Carmen | A Project on Contemporary Heritage

Docomomo international participated in International Seminar “_re-HABITAR EL CARMEN. A project on contemporary heritage.”, at The Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH), on the 28th and 29th May, having Docomomo International Chair, Professor Ana Tostões, as member of the seminar round table.

This seminar was part of the Knowledge Application Research Project “_re-HABITAR. Contemporary heritage and technology. [Technological update project of contemporary heritage: social housing of the Modern Movement]” encouraged by the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Junta de Andalucía, in collaboration with DOCOMOMO Ibérico, several teams of the University of Seville, and a group of researchers specialists in the field.

The object of study was the residential complex Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Seville), a social housing project, in the Andalusian Register of Contemporary Architecture in 2007.

The objective of the Seminar was to advance in the definition and dissemination of the social housing of the Modern Movement and the development of a methodology for the preservation of heritage values that involved the citizenry.

At the previous event, the advances of the _re-HABITAR project were presented, attended by specialists from different disciplinary fields related to Heritage.
Likewise, as a conclusion of the seminar, a debate was held, where some first impressions about the methodology of the project and the results generated were collected.
This meeting aimed at the entire interdisciplinary team of the project as well as the technical staff and researchers of the different institutions involved.