Docomomo Belgium invites to the Online Lecture IV, via ZOOM, on Wednesday 10th March 2021 at 8 pm. The conference will be held by Guido Stegen with the title “Conservatieve chirurgie en circulariteit, guidelines voor de restauratie van La Nouvelle Maison” [Conservative surgery and circularity, guidelines for the restoration of La Nouvelle Maison].
Guido Stegen is an architect and founder of the architectural firm ARSIS and Space Syntax Brussels, active in the fields of architecture, urban planning, restoration and research. Since 2018, he no longer holds official functions (teacher, CRMS), but remains active as a guest professor in post-graduate courses (ULB-VUB, KULeuven, Ugent) on sustainable urban planning and heritage, and as a member of the scientific committee “Programme de recherche, Architecture du XX” (Ministries of Culture and Energy, France). The current activities within Arsis focus on the management of research projects in the field of heritage and circularity.
The conference will be in Dutch (the Q&A in French and Dutch).
Registrations and more information on Docomomo Belgium website.