Call for Papers – Esempi di Architecttura, EdA, Vol. 9, 2022

Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the International Call for papers of Esempi di Architecttura, EdA,  for the upcoming Vol. 9, n. 1/2, 2022 is open until 30th April 2021. The theme is “Historic Cities and Cultural-Religious Heritage: Preservation & Regeneration”.

“Within the system of complex interactions among cultures, developments and environments and their resultant attributes, together we seek to search ways, paths and means that are implied for framing sustainability in all human activities aiming towards march to growth, development and expansion and ultimately making the happy worlds through the ongoing channel of ‘Succession– Sustenance–Sustainability’. Historical cities imbuing cultural-religious heritages are considered as the best laboratory to test, understand and explain the intricacies of human settlements system.

UNO Habitat III has provoked that framing structure and understanding of Urban Cultural Landscape should be projected in the purview of culture-based regeneration, culture-religious morphology, urban heritage conservation and preservation, nature-framed urban landscape,
cultural and creative industries, cultural values & civility, cultural diversity, creative economy, inclusive development, social cohesion, right to cultural heritage, density, mixed-use, strategic territorial governance, and associated issues.

Environmental features were inscribed by human hands to mark their achievement and accomplishments in the frame of built-structures and advanced culture of urban world (historic cities). After passage of time, such natural and constructed places commonly became centres of advanced human activities and interaction, serving as pivot of harmonizing the world through their inherent messages and underpinning meanings, ensembles in the Urban Cultural Landscapes, UCL, and Historic Urban Landscape, HUL. That is how they require special care for understanding and planning—Preservation & Regeneration, and also care for maintaining them as nexus of visioning future and fulfilling the SDGs as envisioned by the UNO/UNESCO. The special issue of Esempi di Architecttura (vol. 9, 2022) attempts to keep pace with these issues.

Papers are invited by the professionals and scholars from various cross- and multi- disciplines to deliberate and explain the role of current issues of preservation and regeneration of historic cities, illustrated with cultural landscapes and sacredscapes framed with attributes of cultural-religious heritage – those all historically and culturally imbued – from experientiality to sustainability: Theory vs. Practice: Understanding vs. Exposition – all aimed at enhancing this ‘Complex Whole’ of Cultural Heritage, an important resource for the future sustainability of the world.”

Papers can be inserted in the following sub-themes, focusing on the Historic Cities:
1. Cultural Landscapes of Historic Cities.
2. Historic Urban Landscapes HCL.
3. Sacredscapes in Cities.
4. Historic Cities & Ritual Landscapes.
5. Cognitive Mapping of Holy-Heritage Cities.
6. Heritage making in Historic Cities.
7. Heritage Typology in Historic Cities.
8. Heritage Cities & SDGs.

The detailed call for papers can be downloaded here.

For more information go to the Esempi di Architecttura website.