New deadline: 19th March 2021
The Association for Preservation Technology (APT) has an open call for papers (deadline 8th March 2021) for its annual conference – APT 2021 Conference, taking place between the 29th October and 2nd November 2021. UPDATE: the deadline was extended to 19th March 2021
The three tracks that will explore this year’s theme are:
Track 1: Revisiting Renewal: Evolving Past Transformations
Reexamining past interventions is a vital part of APT’s mission to promote the advancement of preservation technology and present informed dialogue on preservation philosophy and practice. Many noteworthy preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation projects have experienced multiple changes, whether in conception, function and use, or approaches to conservation. This session explores places and projects where past repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or interpretation has undergone major rethinking – when earlier strategies did not achieve anticipated outcomes, success was of limited duration, or outcome goals changed.
Track 2: Pivoting Preservation: Forward-Thinking Solutions to Changing Requirements
As preservation projects are made increasingly complex by tight fiscal constraints in tandem with new and changing codes, standards, expectations, and core requirements, the importance of specialized technical knowledge and collaboration to meet not only today’s needs but anticipate the needs of tomorrow becomes ever more important. This track will explore how new and traditional preservation technologies and methods address emerging and evolving issues such as social distancing, disaster preparedness, resilience, natural resource conservation and management, urban ecology, workplace mobility, security, accessibility, and changing lifestyles and performance requirements with strong prospects for enduring success.
Track 3: By the People, For the People: Civic Architecture, Public Spaces, and Infrastructure
Washington, D.C. comprises a rich tapestry of parks, monuments, government buildings, cultural institutions, infrastructure, and significant viewsheds woven throughout the city plan. The forms, symbols, and meanings of such spaces continue to evolve. Faced with the opportunities and challenges of today, we recognize the great responsibility to ensure their vitality and viability. This track explores the preservation, adaptation, interpretation, and enhancement of civic art and architecture at all scales around the world.
All papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in post‐conference issues of the APT Bulletin.
Furthermore, due to the uncertainty for in-person gatherings this coming fall, the on-going risks of Covid-19, the 2021 Washington DC Conference is to pivot to a 100% virtual event.
The full call for papers is available at the events website.