8th Docomomo Brazil – North / Northeast Seminar

The 8th Docomomo Brazil – North / Northeast Seminar will be held in Palmas, Brazil, from May 4th to May 7th, 2020.
The event is organized by the AMA Center – NAMA, Federal University of Tocantins – UFT, Lutheran Palms University Center – CEULP / ULBRA and Federal University of Uberlândia.
The seminar program will include conferences, debates, round tables, publications’ launch and MOMO tours with visits to the iconic works of modern architecture in Tocantins.

This year’s theme is Cultural Transfers, Historiography, Interventions and Modern City.

The President of Docomomo International, Professor Ana Tostões, will be a keynote speaker, as well as Hugo Segawa, Professor at FAU/USP.

To know more visit the website