Call for Abstracts: LDE-HERITAGE International Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals

The LDE-HERITAGE International Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals will happen between 26th and 28th November 2019 at TUDELFT, Delft, Netherlands.

The Centre for Global Heritage and Development (LDEHeritage) is a collaboration of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam. LDE-Heritage fosters an interdisciplinary approach, between sciences such as archaeology, architecture, the social sciences, the humanities, law, technology and design and urban and regional studies. LDE-Heritage goes beyond the traditional study of heritage, by focusing on how heritage relates to cultural, social, economic and environmental developments and decisions.

This conference aims to discuss and debate about heritage – natural and cultural – as a key role in the sustainable development of cities and communities. Goal 11, target 4, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) emphasizes the relation between heritage and sustainability, among other international policies. Heritage also plays a role in many more goals and targets. How can academics and practitioners work together to further our understanding and impact on heritage conservation, and consequently, on the sustainable development of cities and communities?

Abstract submission is open until 1st July 2019 .

For more information as submission procedure and the event program, please visit the website or download the pdf.