Call for abstracts: International Conference CHANCES – Practices, spaces and buildings in cities’ transformation.

CHANCES is an international conference that aims to explore, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the fragile but continuous urban transformation through the effective contribution of culture, nature and technology. The aim of this conference is to provide a deeper understanding of urban transformations’ research and practices, focusing on the use, re-use, design, renovation and innovative governance and management of public spaces, urban commons and buildings. Contributions can build on reflections and studies concerning current or historical approaches that are changing or drastically changed the cities we lived in.

Contributions about actions, projects and design practices for transforming cities driven by the behavior of citizens and favored by design driven processes are expected for this topic. The following topics will be explored: Design cultures; Design for behavior; Temporality, time-factor and city; Design for urban relations.

How design cultures can contribute on the constant cities’ transformation?
How time and space play a key role on the project of the city?

Track 2 / SPACES
Contributions about strategies, plans and practices for the use, re-use, transformation and regeneration of public spaces are expected for this topic. This track will welcome inputs from the past, the present and the future of public spaces potential, functions and uses. The following topics will be explored: Urban regeneration through public spaces; Liveable, active and healthy public spaces; Nature-based solutions for greener public spaces.

How planning and design of multi-functional public spaces can contribute to boost sustainable urban transformation and regeneration?
How can nature, technological innovation and cultural transformation contribute to the re-design of urban public spaces?

This track welcomes papers on new building design, innovative techniques, instruments, and interventions for buildings’ representation, renovation and restoration. The following topics will be explored: Design of new buildings; Interventions on historical buildings; Strategies for preventive conservation and structural renovation of existing buildings; Energy efficiency, Microclimate control and monitoring systems; Prefabricated technological systems in construction practices; BIM and HBIM Technologies; New technologies for surveying and for virtual representation (VaR).

How does architectural practices of new design project and restoration contribute to the evolution of the urban environments?
Which is the current state of design and construction practices?
Which methods, tools and technologies could be applied in the design processes of new and existing buildings?

For more information, like abstract guidelines and important dates, please visit the website.
You can also get more information downloading the pdf.