Call for Papers: Researching (in) the City: Embeddedness, Relations + Collaborations

“The AHRA PhD Symposium 2021, hosted by Sheffield Hallam University School of Architecture, seeks to ask how architectural research might be embedded within different organisations, places and networks in multiple ways, thus beginning to redefine the role of such research and its relationship to the city. While embedded and ethnographic methods have become more widespread, we see potential in further exploring the particular approaches, relations, networks and collaborations that emerge from socio-spatial studies within or between urban organisations, agencies, Municipalities and groups. The organisers welcome contributions from PhD students in architecture, urbanism, landscape and related disciplines to share the methodologies, experiences, challenges and potentials of research across but within the city.

The symposium is delivered through collaboration with 4 organisations from Sheffield and Leeds with whom we have a relation, with each ‘hosting’ one of the 4 themes of the symposium and to which we invite contributions:

Practices / Care
Spaces / Memory
Ecologies / Constellations
Economies / Dreaming
The themes are not prescriptive, and we look forward to exploring the many overlaps between them. They will be used to inform workshops on day 2 with the local organisations.

Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words to

Deadline 15 January 2021

Please identify 2 of the above themes in order of preference that you feel your work speaks to.

More details are available at the symposium webpage.”