Docomomo International is pleased to share that the second part of the 12º Colóquio de Pesquisas do PROARQ – “o que FOMOS, o que SOMOS: expectativas e propostas para um futuro emergente” will take place between the 6th and the 13th October 2021 online.
Focused on the dissemination of in progress or already concluded researches by PROARQ – Post-Graduation Program in Architecture at UFRJ, carried out by students, graduates, IC students and other researchers.
Below a quick overview of the event’s schedule:
- 5th October:
- Colloquium day 1 – thematic sessions
- Roundtable – BIM na formação e na atuação profissional
- Talk- Carla Juaçaba
- 6th October:
- Colloquium day 2 – thematic sessions
- 7th October:
- Colloquium day 3 – thematic sessions
- Roundtable – Rumos do Patrimônio Moderno
- Paisagem de Roraima: o caso da região da Raposa/Serra do Sol
- 13th October
- Roundtable – Do colonialismo à reconquista: ações proativas para um futuro emergente / Our World Heritage + Mestrado Profissional em Projeto e Patrimônio
- 15th October
- Closing – Tela Plana Party
A highlight from the program will be the Roundtable “Rumos do Patrimônio Moderno” on 7th October at 2pm (GMT-3) / 6 pm (GMT+1) as it will bring together Docomomo and the 20th century Committee of ICOMOS, the two main international organizations in defense of modern heritage. The table will be coordinated by Profs. Ana Amora and Claudia Carvalho, moderated by Prof. Andrea Queiroz Rêgo and will have Prof. Ana Tostões (IST University of Lisbon and Docomomo International chair) and Prof. Silvio Oksman (Mackenzie Presbyterian University and City School Association) as guests.
The achievements made in recent years will be discussed, especially in relation to the incorporation of the modern patrimony of Latin America in the agenda of these institutions. Finally, we will open to the discussion of two icons of the modern movement in Brazil, threatened by the lack of resources and the wrong policies of the current government: the Palácio Capanema, former building of the Ministry of Education and Health, and the Jorge Machado Moreira Building, built to house the current Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ.