Docomomo Italy Guided Tours: Open House Roma and Napoli

Promoted by Docomomo Italy, Open House is an annual event that in just one weekend allows the free opening of hundreds of buildings in the capital, notable for their architectural characteristics.

For the IX edition of Open House Roma (2nd-3rd October 2021), Docomomo Italia promotes the following activities:

  • Il quartiere Trieste tra piazza Verbano e piazza Istria: una quotidiana modernità [The Trieste district between Piazza Verbano and Piazza Istria: a daily modernity] – by Emma Tagliacollo
  • Il cinema Troisi nella ex GIL di Luigi Moretti [The Troisi cinema in the former GIL by Luigi Moretti] – by Rosalia Vittorini

More information here.

For the III edition of Open House Napoli (9th-10th October 2021),  Docomomo Italy promotes the following activities:

  • Un’altra storia: il bel quartiere ad Agnano di Stefania Filo Speziale [Another story: the beautiful neighborhood in Agnano by Stefania Filo Speziale] – by Carolina De Falco
  • La Galleria Umberto I [The Umberto I Gallery] – by Ugo Carughi

More information here.