The working parties that have submitted at least 30 fiches and the information of at least 50 buildings for MOMOVE (Docomomo Virtual Exhibition –, can consider this part of their homework fulfilled. However, we strongly advise the inclusion of the 100 buildings in MOMOVE, and to reach 50 fiches. Below you will find the Guidelines for the 2017-2018 Homework, in order to have voting rights in the 2018 Assembly. Working Parties that already have submitted Documentation Fiches and uploaded the buildings in MOMOVE: A plan for new documentation homework has been approved in the last Council Meeting, September 6th, 2016 (Lisbon, Portugal), proposed by the ISC/Registers. With…
International Conference and Workshop: Plastics in Modern Movement Interiors Conservation and (re-) Design of Synthetic Finishing, Furniture and Products “The built environment, architecture and its interiors and consumer products have gone through different periods in history which had often been dominated by specific materials and their production and construction requirements. The 20th century built environment has been widely influenced by the use of plastic – in specific in interiors and even more for our daily consumer products. Conference, excursion and workshops aim to raise the sensibility of young researchers and designers and of restoration and heritage professionals towards the use,…
International Conference and Workshop: Plastics in Modern Movement Interiors Conservation and (re-) Design of Synthetic Finishing, Furniture and Products The first Docomomo ISC on Interiors (ISC/I) event – Plastic in Modern Movement Interiors Conservation and (re-)Design of Synthetic Finishing, Furniture and Products – took place between 5th and 9th March 2018 at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. The meeting consisted in a Seminar, Excursions and Workshop, organized in collaboration with Docomomo Belgium and the Docomomo ISC on Technology (ISC/T). See the detailed programme in the PDF attached. Photographic Report: Docomomo International Facebook Page Download PDF
Masterclass: Tower Blocks: History and Heritage of Social Mass-Housing “This masterclass is jointly offered by the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies and DOcumentation and COnservation of the MOdern MOvement – International Scientific Committee on Urbanism and Landscape docomomo ISC U+L. Mass social housing, built in large quantities by state organisations, constitutes one of the most pervasive built legacies of the ‘modernist century’ across the world. Contrary to popular stereotypes of banal uniformity of design, mass housing ‘heritage’ is characterised by extreme diversity of organisation and architecture, at international, regional and local levels. The masterclass will combine a wide-ranging international overview of the…
Plastics in Modern Movement Buildings | DOCOMOMO ISC/Technology Seminar – TU Delft, 23-24 October 2017 A one-day international seminar focussing on the exterior applications of synthetic building materials will take place on Monday October 23rd, 2017, at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, the Netherlands. Entitled ‘Plastics in Modern Movement Buildings. Conservation and (Re-)design of Synthetic Building Components’ the programme will feature a.o. material scientists, art conservators, architectural historians, architectural heritage specialists, designers, consultants and practitioners. An excursion to various relevant sites is scheduled for Tuesday October 24th, 2017. Registration: website Programme: PDF below More details: website…
Docomomo ´Africa Workshop and Conference´ Following the first Docomomo meeting on Africa that was held as part of the ISC-UL Committee during the 14th International Docomomo Conference in Lisbon, in 2016, the first Docomomo Africa Workshop and Conference was held between 9th and 12th July 2017 at the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies, ESALA, University of Edinburgh. The conference and workshop were free, as funding had been received form the University of Edinburgh for its holding. The workshop had a few key aims: To be a venue for meeting and discussing with other Docomomo members from African chapters in the…
Conference: Military Landscapes. Future for Military Heritage “An international overview event celebrating the 150th anniversary of the decommissioning of Italian fortresses: The 150th anniversary of the decommissioning of Italian military strongholds forms an appropriate occasion for reflection on the significance and the future of military landscapes. This international conference, organized by the University of Cagliari (DICAAR), the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Tourism (Polo Museale of Sardinia), the Istituto Italiano dei Castelli and the University of Edinburgh (ESALA), aims to share case studies, interdisciplinary scientific research initiatives and institutional programmes concerning military landscapes with particular focus on their possible…
Research Lecture: The Role of Housing Research in Design, Preservation and Urban Regeneration “Docomomo members have been kindly invited to a joint research seminar of the University of Edinburgh on the the role of housing research in design, preservation and urban regeneration”. Taking advantage of their visit to Scotland for the SAH Glasgow conference, Dr. Yael Allweil (Co-chair of Docomomo Israel) of the Technion Institute of Technology (Haifa) and Dr. Inbal Ben Asher Gitler (Co-chair of Docomomo Israel) of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, will discuss the many-layered and controversial subject of postwar modernist housing and planning in Israel, including…
The working parties that have submitted at least (a) 30 fiches and the information of at least (b) 50 buildings for MOMOVE (Docomomo Virtual Exhibition, can consider this part of their homework fulfilled. However, ISC/Registers strongly advise the inclusion of the 100 buildings in MOMOVE, and to reach 50 fiches. In this case, the Homework consists of a (c) Commitment Report, where it must be included the list of the WP activities during these two years, pertaining the documentation of the Modern Movement. The report can consist of publications (books, magazines or bulletins), internet sites, visits, seminars, lectures, etc… In order a WP complete the Homework for 2015-2016, the missing information must be…
Conference: Back to the city. Urbanism, Density and Housing 1976-2016 On 5th and 6th May 2016, the Conference Back to the city. Urbanism, Density and Housing 1976-2016 will take place at the Glasgow School of Art, Scotland. This conference is part of the ongoing research programme The New Tenement, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, currently being undertaken by Professor Florian Urban at the Mackintosh School of Architecture at the Glasgow School of Art. Funding for the conference has been provided by the Leverhulme Trust.Conference organisation has been a collaborative effort between Florian Urban and Ambrose Gillick at the Glasgow School of Art, docomomo ISC/U+L and…