Voting Results

Considering the impossibility of organising a presencial Council Meeting in 2020, Docomomo International was setting up an email voting system so that all the Working Parties can vote on fundamental issues to our organization’s continued existence. 

The results of the Docomomo email voting process as follows:

1a) The proposal to relocate Docomomo Headquarters to Delft University of Technology (January 2022-) was unanimously accepted;
1b) Uta Pottgiesser, from Docomomo Germany, was unanimously elected chair of Docomomo International for the period from January 2022 to December 2025;
1c) Wido Quist, from Docomomo Netherlands, was unanimously elected secretary of Docomomo International for the period from January 2022 to December 2025;
2) The holding of the 17th International Docomomo Conference in Valencia, Spain (7-10 Sept. 2022) was unanimously accepted;
3) Docomomo Singapore was unanimously accepted as a new Working Party;
4) Docomomo Thai was accepted, by majority, as a new Working Party.

Docomomo International, on the behalf of the entire community, congratulates Uta Pottgiesser and Wido Quist for their future positions leading Docomomo International from 2022 onwards. We welcome the new Docomomo Chapters of Singapore and Thai, as well as the organizers of the 17th International Docomomo Conference in Valencia, Spain (7-10 Sept. 2022).

These results will be formalized in the next Docomomo Council Meeting that will take place on 31 August 2021, during the 16th International Docomomo Conference in Tokyo Japan 2020+1.

Until 31 December 2021, Docomomo International will keep its Headquarters at the Técnico – Lisboa, under Professor Ana Tostões presidency.

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