Cure & Care. Architecture and Health + Curar e Cuidar. Arquitetura e Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976)

Docomomo International is pleased to announce the publication of: Ana Tostões, Daniela Arnaut, Paulo Providência (ed.), Cure & Care. Architecture and Health [English] and  Curar e Cuidar. Arquitetura e Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976), [Portuguese], Lisboa, IST-ID, 2020. A joined Ebook in English is being prepared.

Cure & Care. Architecture and Health compiles the proceedings from the International Conference of the “CuCa_RE: Cure and Care_the rehabilitation” research project, that happened on the 6th and 7th June 2019, at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon.

Curar e Cuidar. Arquitetura e Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976) is composed by three main chapters: first three essays focus on the topic of healthcare buildings and its architecture, the medical achievements and the definition of the Portuguese National Health System [Sistema Nacional de Saúde, SNS]; on the second part are presented the 23 case studies, buildings studied in detail from an initial survey of almost 500 facilities, with original and actual photos and drawings and redraw; the third part corresponds to biographies of architects, physicians and hospital administrators that had an important role on the healthcare architecture in Portugal between 1901 and 1976. So, this book is a sum-up of the research developed during the project.

The “CuCa_RE: Cure and Care, the rehabilitation” project is coordinated by Citua/IST-ID (Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e o Desenvolvimento) and the Principal Investigator is Ana TostõesPresident of Docomomo International. Partner research institutions are CES (Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra) and ARTIS (Institute of Art History, Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lisbon).

The aim of the project is to study healthcare buildings built in Portugal in the 20th century and their role in the welfare society policy, approaching future challenges driven by the developments in technology and medicine, and the need to assure a sustainable built environment. These buildings are susceptible to be transformed, deactivated or even demolish in a near future. On a historical, cultural and social level, the development of appropriate techniques of conservation and rehabilitation towards a sustainable built environment includes reflecting on cure and care structures.

CuCa_Re Project focusses on rehabilitation strategies, considering both conservation and reuse interventions. To answer present day requirements of comfort, safety and legal constraints, the project aims also to evaluate the tolerance to change of health care buildings addressing identity and authenticity values.