ROUNDTRIP: From the Seine to the Rio de La Plata and viceversa

Eight weekly sessions, presented by international academics reflecting on some of the protagonists of the European and Latin American Modern Movement who trained or carried out part of their professional careers between the two continents.
This project stems from some reflections on the Swiss master’s 1929 journey and on his relationship with Latin America, with which he established a bond through meetings, conferences and collaborations that lasted about three decades.
The journey had a twofold outcome: on the one hand, it introduced new demands in the concept of architecture proposed by the first generation of the European Modern Movement, such as the relationship with the landscape, and the recovery of the value of traditional characters and local materials; and on the other, it leads to the culmination of the debate that leads to the affirmation of modernity in the southern continent.
From the 1930s, numerous architects, artists and intellectuals – from Filippo Tommaso Marinetti to Lina Bo Bardi, from Alberto Sartoris to Charlotte Perriand – deepened and developed a training or professional relationship between the two continents.
The aim of these meetings is to reflect on the theoretical and design exchanges, and on the new architecture that arose from this fusion, an expression of the modernity of Europe and Latin America.

Introductory debate
Modernity between Europe and Latin America
October 23, 2020 18:00 h CET
Prof. Giovanna D’Amia, DASTU, Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Elena Dellapiana, DAD, Politenico di Torino
Prof. Liliana Bonvecchi, FAU, Universidad de Belgrano
Prof. Guido Montanari, DIST, Politecnico di Torino
Arch. Andrea Canziani, Docomomo International
organized by Federica Ciarcià

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