Dennis Sharp CICA Awards for Architectural Criticism 2020

The International Committee of Architectural Critics CICA is pleased to announce an invitation to publishers, editors, curators and authors to submit their publications for consideration for the 10th CICA Awards 2020 by 30th November 2019. Award winners will be announced during the UIA XXVII World Congress of Architecture to be held in Rio de Janeiro from July 19th to 23rd, 2020.

The Awards fall into four categories:
“Bruno Zevi CICA Book Award”
For published books on architectural criticism, theory and history
“Pierre Vago CICA Journalism Award”
For an article of architectural criticism for individual, institutional or society magazines, newspapers and journals
“Julius Posener CICA Exhibition Catalogue Award”
For a critical text, preface or introduction published in an exhibition catalogue or supporting publication produced for an architectural exhibition
“Marina Waisman CICA Digital Communication Award”
For Non-print Media and Publications

Award Parameters
Publications issued between April 2017 and November 2019 are eligible for submission in any or all four categories. All material submitted for consideration by the Jury must be original, free of any copyright issues and as published (manuscripts or proof are not acceptable).
For the first phase of submissions, are to be submitted:
PDF files of the list of contents and selected chapters (in the case of books/catalogues);
PDF files of the articles in the case of journals and web site links in the case of non-print communication.

The sender must indicate to which the category he is submitting the publication.
On this basis, a shortlist will be announced on the 15th of January 2020.

The Jury
Karen Eicker South – Africa
Louise Noelle Gras – Mexico
Süha Özkan – Turkey
Xing Ruan – China/Australia
Joseph Rykwert – United Kingdom
Wilfried Wang – Germany/USA (Coordinator)

The International Committee of Architectural Critics CICA has, since it was established in Mexico City in 1978, been closely associated with the World Congresses of the International Union of Architects. 2020 is no exception and
a CICA session is being planned for the UIA Congress to be held in Rio de Janeiro.
The inaugural meeting of CICA was held in the Joan Miró Foundation in July 1979 when Bruno Zevi (Rome) was elected the first CICA President with Pierre Vago (France), Dennis Sharp (UK) Julius Posener (Germany) and
Jorge Glusberg (Argentina) as Directors.
The current President is Joseph Rykwert and CICA Board Members are François Chaslin (France), Manuel Cuadra (Germany), Louise Noelle Gras (Mexico), Süha Özkan (Turkey) and Yasmin Shariff (UK).

To know more conditions please check the CICA Awards 2020 Press Release.

For more information about CICA, please visit the website